Toro Switch Plus Series Satellite User Manual

Table of Contents  
Controller Components................................................. 2  
Selecting Control Options ............................................ 3  
Before Programming the Controller..........................4  
About The Controller’s Memory ................................... 4  
Set Satellite Operating Mode........................................ 4  
Set Current Time and Day............................................. 5  
Set Station Run Times................................................... 5  
Set Program Start Time(s) ............................................ 6  
Set Active Day Watering Schedules ............................ 7  
• Calendar Schedule.................................................... 7  
• Interval Schedule ...................................................... 8  
Set Program Repeat and Soak ..................................... 9  
Program Operation Pause and Cancel ...................... 10  
Manual Control Operations ...................................10- 12  
Cycle Mode................................................................... 10  
Syringe Mode ............................................................... 11  
Multi-Manual Mode ...................................................... 12  
Set Satellite Address................................................... 13  
Set Percent Adjust....................................................... 13  
Reviewing Program Information ................................ 14  
Special Functions................................................... 14-15  
Self Test........................................................................ 14  
Initialization.................................................................. 14  
Radio Calibration Test................................................. 15  
Link Monitor ................................................................ 15  
Troubleshooting .......................................................... 16  
Lithium Battery Installation (Optional)....................... 16  
Manual Output Switch Operation ............................... 17  
Power Indicator Lamps ............................................... 17  
Program Data Reference Form....................................18  
Power Specifications  
Electromagnetic Compatibility  
Line Voltage: 115/230 V a.c. 50/60 Hz (switchable),  
130 VA (100W)  
Domestic: This equipment has been tested and found to  
comply with the limits for a FCC Class A digital device,  
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful  
interference when the equipment is operated in a  
commercial environment. The equipment generates, uses,  
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  
installed and used in accordance with the instruction  
manual, may cause harmful interference to the radio  
communications. Operation in a residential area is likely to  
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be  
required to correct the interference at his own expense.  
Current Draw (no load): 0.21A @ 115 V a.c., 60 Hz, 0.10A  
@ 230V, 50 Hz  
Current Draw (maximum load): 0.90A @ 115 V a.c, 60 Hz,  
0.42A @ 230 V a.c, 50 Hz  
Secondary Voltage Output: 24 V a.c., 3.2A (77 VA)  
Maximum Load Per Station Output: 0.75A (18 VA)  
Maximum Load Per Pump/Master Valve Output:  
0.75A (18 VA)  
Hardware Features  
Plastic or Painted Stainless Steel Cabinetry  
Front, Back and Top Locking Covers  
International: This is a CISPR 22 Class A product. In a  
domestic environment, this product may cause radio  
interference, in which case the user may be required to  
take adequate measures.  
Removable Station Output and Common/Pump Modules  
Modular Station Output:  
16 to 64 stations in 8-station increments  
Fuses and Circuit Breakers  
Power Supply:  
1.5A On/Off Switch/Circuit Breaker – Main Power Input  
3.2A Fuse (Slow-Blow) – Field Output  
4A Circuit Breaker – Control Functions  
Communication Modem (optional): 3/4A (Fast-Blow)  
Pump/Common & Communication Surge Protection  
Module (optional): 1/2A (Fast-Blow)  
Selecting Control Options  
A set of eight DIP switches, located beneath the upper left corner of the control panel (as illustrated below)  
is provided for the selection of optional control characteristics. Power to the controller must be turned Off  
and the control panel removed from the cabinet in order to make switch position changes. When power is  
switched on, the controller will automatically reconfigure to the new switch settings (with the exception of  
switch 5). See *Note below.  
The controller is shipped from the factory in the following configuration:  
Switch 1 ON and Switch 2 ON Enables the controller to run eight programs concurrently.  
Option Switch 1 OFF and Switch 2 ON Enables the controller to run only six programs  
Option Switch 1 OFF and Switch 2 OFF Enables the controller to run only four programs  
Option Switch 1 ON and Switch 2 OFF Enables the controller to run only two programs  
Switch 3 ON Time is displayed in a.m./p.m. format.  
Option Switch 3 OFF Time is displayed in 24-hour format (00:0023:59)  
Switch 4 ON Pump output activates at the same time as station output.  
Option Switch 4 OFF Pump output starts 5 seconds prior to station output. (Enables pump to reach  
pressure prior to station operation.)  
Switch 5 ON Active day change occurs at midnight (12:00 a.m.[00:00])  
Option Switch 5 OFF Day change occurs at 6:00 a.m. (06:00)  
*Note: This change requires initialization to activate. See page 14 for initialization procedure.  
Switches 6, 7 & 8 are non-functional.  
To change the DIP switch positions:  
1. Switch the power Off at controller power supply.  
2. Remove the timing mechanism from the top of the pedestal cabinet. (The cables attached to the timing  
mechanism can remain connected for this procedure).  
3. Locate the DIP switches mounted on top left corner of timing mechanism PCB.  
4. Using a pen tip or small screwdriver, reset the DIP switches as required. (Do not use a pencil for this  
procedure. Loose graphite from the pencil can damage the switch mechanism).  
5. Reinstall the timing mechanism and switch on the power.  
10 11 12 13 14  
LTC Plus  
Before Programming the Controller…  
Please note the following important information before programming the Network LTC Plus con-  
troller for the first time. Although the controller is quite easy to program, it does have some pro-  
gramming and operating characteristics which will be helpful to know before starting.  
*If power is interrupted to the satellite within one minute of a programming entry, the controller memory  
will be initialized (erased) when power is restored.  
An audible beeptone occurs whenever a control panel key is pressed sufficiently. If the tone is not  
emitted, the keys function will not be recognized.  
Programming can only be accomplished in the Central or Stand Alone control modes.  
(cursor keys) are used to navigate to the various program elements of the displays.  
When an element is selected, it begins flashing. Remember, a program element must be flashing  
before it can be changed.  
(scroll keys) are used to scroll forward or backward through the program element  
values Holding either of these keys down for more than two consecutive seconds will initiate rapid  
(Enter/Start key) must be pressed to enter a program change into memory.  
(function select) key to select the Time/Day mode.  
To exit a programming procedure, press the  
During programming, the controller will automatically revert to Time/Day mode if a control panel key is  
not pressed for one minute.  
About the Controllers Memory…  
The controller utilizes a special Super Capcapacitor which stores enough power to maintain the current  
time/date and the currently active program information for approximately 30 minutes. The controller will be  
otherwise inactive during the power outage. In most circumstances, the user-defined program information is  
unaffected by a loss of power and is stored in memory for several years. (See * above). When power is  
restored, any automatic programs operating prior to the power failure will resume from the point of interrup-  
tion. Any manually started programs operating prior to the power failure will be canceled. Any automatic start  
times originating from the satellite or the central during the power failure will be ignored. In regions with fre-  
quent power interruptions, an optional lithium battery can be installed which will sustain real time and cur-  
rently active program information for approximately 90 days of continuous duty. See Battery Installationon  
page 16 for more information.  
Set Satellite Operating Mode  
Selecting one of three operating modes determines how the satellite will operate.  
Central mode enables two-way communication between the satellite and the central controller. The satellite  
receives all operating commands (including the current time and day) from the central. No additional pro-  
gramming is required at the satellite. To operate in the Central mode, the satellite only requires an address  
which enables the central to locate it on the communication path. See Set Satellite Addresson page 13.  
Stand Alone mode enables the satellite controller to operate independently from the central. Any data  
downloaded from the central will be ignored by the satellite while in this mode. However, information regard-  
ing field status and manual satellite operations will be uploaded to the central. When operating as a stand-  
alone controller, the Network LTC Plus maintains 16 independent watering programs. Each program is given  
specific operating information consisting of: Start Times when and how often the program will start,  
Active Days the daily watering routine in either a 14-Day Calendar or 29-Day Interval schedule, and Run  
Times the operating duration time of each station assigned to the program. During a program event,  
stations assigned to the program operate one at a time in numerical sequence.  
Off mode terminates and prevents all automatic and manual controller operations.  
If programming the satellite for stand-alone operation, we recommend that you first plan out your irrigation  
schedule using the Program Data Reference Form provided on the back cover. Make photocopies of the  
form for each program you intend to use. Organizing your program information in this way will provide a  
complete overview of your automatic irrigation schedule and simplify the programming task. After the forms  
have been filled in, keep them with the satellite for future reference.  
1. Press the  
key as needed to select the Central, Stand Alone, or Off indicator.  
Set Current Time and Day  
Synchronizing the controller's clock with the current time and day is an important first step in the programming  
procedure. The timed events for all watering programs (when the satellite is in the Satellite Mode) are based on  
the settings you will make here.  
Use the following procedure to set the current time and day:  
1. Press  
as needed to select Time/Day indicator.  
2. Press  
The hour digit(s) will begin flashing.  
3. Press  
to increase or decrease hour digit(s).  
(Observe for correct a.m./p.m. time.)  
4. Press Minute digits will begin flashing.  
or to increase or decrease minute digits.  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
Week 2  
Example: Current Time 11:28 A.M.,  
Current Day Tuesday (10) Week 2.  
5. Press  
6. Press  
7. Press  
Day abbreviation will begin flashing.  
to select current day in either week of 14-day cycle.  
to store new information into controller memory.  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
Week 1  
8 9 10 11 12 13 14  
Week 2  
8. Press  
Set Station Run Time  
Note the following Station Run Time characteristics:  
Run time can be set from one minute to eight hours and 59 minutes in one-minute increments.  
Each station can have a different assigned run time within each of 16 programs.  
1. Press  
to select the Programs indicator. The Run Time  
indicator will light. The program and station number will be shown in the  
left display, and the station run time will be shown in the right display.  
Run Time  
Program No.  
2. Press  
to select the desired program number (116).  
Note: If the station run time has been adjusted to a value other than 100%  
using the % Adjust feature, the right display will alternate between the  
programmed run time and the adjusted run time. The % Adjust LED will  
light momentarily when the adjusted run time is displayed.  
Station No.  
Example Shown: Program 1, station 2, run time 1 hour and 23 minutes.  
3. Press  
The station number digits will begin flashing.  
or to select the desired station number  
4. Press  
Note: The controller will automatically determine the number of station  
modules installed and limit the display accordingly.  
5. Press  
6. Press  
to select the run time display. The hours digit will begin  
or to select the desired hours of run time (08).  
Note: If station operation is not desired during a particular program,  
enter 0:00 run time.  
7. Press  
The minutes digits will begin flashing.  
8. Press  
to select desired minutes of run time (059).  
9. Press  
to enter the information.  
10. Repeat steps 48 for each station as required.  
11. Press Repeat steps 211 for all programs.  
Set Program Start Time(s)  
This procedure will determine when each program will start during a 24 hour period. Note the following  
Each program can have from 1 to 12 start times.  
Start times can be set to the minute.  
Program operation can be prevented for any of the 12 start times by selecting OFF (no start time).  
When operating in the Stand Alone mode, any new start times downloaded from the central will be ignored.  
When operating in the Central mode, new start times downloaded from the central will be utilized.  
1. Press  
as needed to select the Program indicator.  
Start Time No.  
Program No.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
to select the Start Time indicator.  
Start Time  
to select the desired program number (1 16).  
Start time 01 will begin flashing and current start time  
will be shown.  
5. Press  
6. Press  
7. Press  
Hours digit(s) or OFFwill begin flashing.  
or to adjust hours digits up or down.  
to select desired start time number (1 12).  
(Observe for correct a.m./p.m. time.)  
Note: If no start time is desired, select "OFF" located between  
11 p.m. and 12 a.m. (23:00 and 00:00). Skip steps 8 & 9 and  
continue at step 10.  
Example shown: Program 1, start time 1 set to 2:30 a.m.  
8. Press  
Minutes digits will begin flashing.  
9. Press  
to adjust minutes digits up or down.  
to enter the information.  
10. Press  
11. Repeat steps 5 10 for all desired start times for this program.  
12. Press  
to select another program number.  
13. Repeat steps 3 12 as required.  
Set Active Day Watering Schedules  
The active watering days for each program can be chosen using a Calendar schedule or an Interval  
schedule. The Calendar schedule enables active days to be selected within a 14-day (two week) cycle. The  
Interval Schedule enables active days to be selected by a specific interval, such as every day, every-other  
day, every-third day and so on up to every twenty-ninth day.  
Select the active watering days for each program using either a Calendar schedule (below) or an Interval  
schedule (on page 8).  
Note the following programming characteristics:  
Only one watering day schedule (Calendar or Interval) can be utilized for each program.  
To prevent automatic operation of any program, all days in a Calendar Schedule can be deleted or  
Interval Day can be set to Off.  
To Set a Calendar schedule:  
Schedule Type  
1. Press  
as needed to select the Program indicator.  
Program No.  
2. Press  
to select the Active Days indicator.  
3. Press  
until the desired program number (1 16) is  
4. Press  
5. Press  
6. Press  
The schedule type will begin flashing.  
until CA (Calendar) is flashing.  
The current Calendar schedule is displayed and  
Sunday (Su) of week 1 is flashing.  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
Week 1  
8 9 10 11 12 13 14  
Week 2  
7. Choose to select or delete the indicated (flashing) day.  
To select: Press The day stops flashing and remains  
displayed and the next day starts flashing.  
To delete: Press  
The day disappears and next day starts  
8. Repeat step 7 to set the 14-day watering schedule.  
Note: To prevent automatic operation of the program, delete all 14  
days or, as an alternate method, select Interval Off. See page 8 for  
this procedure.  
9. Press  
to enter the information into controller memory.  
10. Repeat steps 3 9 for all programs requiring a Calendar  
Note: If an Interval watering schedule is not required, programming  
for automatic operation is now complete. When an automatic program  
starts, the displays will alternate between the time/day and program  
status. If two or more programs are operating concurrently, the display  
will alternate to show status of each program.  
Pgm #  
Sta Run Time  
Sta #  
Interval Schedule  
Scheduling active days by Interval enables a program to operate on a specific routine such as, every other  
day, or every fourth day, without regard to actual calendar days.  
The Interval schedule consists of two programmable numbers: The Interval Reference and the Interval Day.  
The Interval Reference number (01 29) determines how often an active watering day will occur. For  
example, entering 01 equals watering every day, 02 equals every other day and so on up to 29 for watering  
every 29th day. The Interval Day number (01 29 and Off) indicates when an active watering day will occur.  
The Interval Day number automatically decreases by one at the day changeover. An active watering day will  
occur when the Interval Day number is 01. As the day change occurs at the end of the active watering day,  
the Interval Day number will automatically update to display the number of days until the next active  
watering day.  
During initial programming, the Interval Day number can be set at any point in the interval to establish the  
position of the interval within the week or month. For example, you may select a 6-day interval (watering  
every sixth day) but choose to start the interval tomorrow by entering an Interval Day number of 02. After  
one day has elapsed, the interval will begin and the day will be active. At the end of the active day, the  
Interval Day number will reset to 06, indicating six days until the next scheduled watering.  
Note: The Interval Day number cannot be greater than the interval reference number. If attempted, the  
Interval Day number will automatically be reduced to equal the the Interval Reference number when the  
Enter/Start key is pressed.  
To set an Interval schedule:  
Schedule Type  
1. Press  
as needed to select the Program indicator.  
Program No.  
2. Press  
to select the Active Days indicator.  
3. Press  
until the desired program number (1 16) is  
Reference No.  
4. Press  
The schedule type will begin flashing.  
5. Press  
The Interval Reference digits will begin flashing.  
or to select desired Interval Reference number  
until In (Interval) is flashing  
6. Press  
7. Press  
(01 29).  
8. Press  
Interval Day number will begin flashing.  
or to select Interval Day (01 29).  
9. Press  
Example Shown: Watering every third day (03),  
starting tomorrow (02).  
Note: To prevent automatic operation of this program, select Off  
located between 00 and 29.  
10. Press  
to enter information into controller memory.  
11. Repeat steps 3 10 for each program requiring an Interval  
Note: Programming for automatic operation is now complete. When  
an automatic program starts, the displays will alternate between the  
time/day and program status. If two or more programs are operating  
concurrently, the display will alternate to show status of each program.  
Pgm #  
Sta Run Time  
Sta #  
Set Program Repeat and Soak  
This is an optional programming feature which enables a program to repeat its operating cycle from 0 3  
times (in addition to its initial cycle). A soak-in period from 0 59 minutes is placed between repeat cycles.  
Program No.  
1. Press  
as needed to select the Program indicator.  
or until the desired program number (1 16) is  
Station No.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
01 will begin flashing.  
No. of Repeats  
The letter "r" (repeat) will begin flashing.  
The digit left of colon in the right side display will  
begin flashing.  
6. Press  
7. Press  
8. Press  
The digits right of colon will begin flashing.  
or to select a soak time (0 59 minutes).  
to display desired number of repeats (0 3).  
Example Shown: Program 1, 2 repeat cycles with a 10-minute soak  
time between cycles.  
2 Repeats  
Program 1  
10 minutes  
Soak Time  
9. Press  
to enter information into controller memory.  
10. Press  
The Program number will begin flashing.  
11. Repeat steps 2 10 for all programs as required.  
Note: During the soak period between watering cycles, the displays  
will alternate between Time/Day and Repeat/Soak status.  
Program No.  
Soak Time  
Program Operation Pause and Cancel  
An operating program can be paused or canceled at any time as needed. The pause feature temporarily  
suspends program operation for up to 10 minutes. When operation resumes, the program continues from  
the point of interruption without loosing station run time. Use the cancel feature to terminate the program  
operation, returning the controller the the time and day mode.  
To pause program operation: Press the  
key while the program status is displayed. The right side  
display will show a letter P indicating the program is Paused.  
Note: Program operation will resume automatically in 10 minutes if the Enter/Start key is not pressed.  
To resume program operation: Press the  
To cancel program operation: Either press the  
key two times, or press the  
key to select Off,  
thenpress the key again as needed to select Central or Stand Alone mode.  
Manual Control Operations  
Manual operations can be initiated at any time and can occur concurrently with automatically started watering  
operations. Three types of manual operations are available:  
Cycle mode to start complete or partial program cycle(s)  
Syringe mode to enable all stations in a program to be operated for a temporary run time from  
1 30 minutes or 10 99%  
Multi-Manual mode to provide simultaneous operation of up to 6 stations.  
Cycle Mode  
This mode enables you to start and run all or part of any automatic watering program. Full Cycle runs a  
complete cycle of any program selected. Partial Cycle starts the program cycle at any selected station, and  
runs only the stations (with programmed run time) which follow in the program cycle.  
Note: During a manual operation, all programmed repeat and soak operations will be ignored.  
I Full Cycle  
1. Press  
to select the Cycle indicator.The Program indicator will light and program 1 will be  
automatically selected.  
2. Press  
until the desired program number (1 16) is flashing.  
3. Press  
to start the program watering cycle.The displays will alternate between the Time/Day and  
program status displays.  
4. To start additional programs, repeat steps 2 3.  
Note: The maximum number of programs which can operate concurrently during manual operation is 4.  
I Partial Cycle  
1. Press  
to select Cycle indicator. Program 1 will be automatically selected.  
2. Press  
until the desired program number (1 16) is flashing.  
3. Press  
The first station number with a run time in the selected program will begin flashing.  
4. Press  
as required to select the station number to begin the partial cycle.  
5. Press  
to start the program watering cycle.The displays will alternate between the Time/Day and  
program status displays.  
Syringe Mode  
The Syringe mode enables all stations with a programmed run time in a selected program to be operated for  
a short, temporary run time (syringe). The amount of run time for the syringe operation can be set from  
1 30 minutes or by a percentage of programmed station run time from 10% 99%.  
To syringe all stations from 1 30 minutes:  
1. Press  
automatically selected .  
2. Press or to select desired Program number (1 16).  
to select Syringe indicator.Program 1 will be  
Run Time In  
Run Time  
The Left display shows the program number and rt (run time in  
minutes). A 1-minute syringe time is automatically selected and shown  
in the right display. To increase the syringe run time, continue at step 3.  
If no increase is needed, continue at step 5.  
3. Press  
The syringe time digits will begin flashing.  
4. Press  
to select a syringe time (02 30 minutes).  
5. Press  
to start the syringe cycle. The displays will alternate  
between the time/day and the program status.  
Note: Only the stations with a programmed run time in the program  
selected will operate during the syringe operation.  
To syringe from 10% 99% of station run time:  
1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 above.  
Run Time By  
2. Press  
The left display shows a % symbol. A 25% adjusted run  
time value is automatically selected and shown in the right display.  
To change the % value, continue at step 4; if no change is needed,  
continue at step 6.  
3. Press  
Syringe % value (25%) will begin flashing.  
4. Press  
to adjust run time value from 10% 99%.  
5. Press  
to start the syringe cycle. The displays will alternate  
between Time/Day and program status as shown above.  
Adjusted Run  
Time % Value  
Note: When the station run time remaining becomes less than one  
minute, the display will show 00. The display will continue to show 00  
while the remaining time of 59 seconds or less elapses.  
Multi-Manual Mode  
Up to six selected stations can be operated at the same time using Multi-Manual mode. A temporary run  
time from 1 to 59 minutes is given to each station for this operation.  
Caution: Prior to Multi-Manual operation, ensure that combined current draw of all stations operating  
at the same time (including pump relay) does not exceed 3.2 Amps (holding).  
1. Press  
to select the Multi-Manual indicator. The Program  
Station Number  
Run Time  
indicator will light and Station number 01 will be shown (flashing)  
in the left display.The right display will show 00 run time.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
as needed to select the desired station.  
The Run Time digits will begin flashing.  
as needed to select desired Run Time (01 59)  
5. Press  
Selected station will start.  
6. Repeat steps 2 5 to start up to five additional Stations. If the  
same run time is desired, skip steps 3 and 4.  
Note: Any additional stations entered while six stations are in  
operation will be ignored.  
Note: After 1 minute has elapsed, the displays will begin alternating  
between the time/day and the program status, showing (in sequence)  
each operating station and its remaining run time.  
Set Satellite Address  
The LTC satellite requires a unique address for identification by the central LCM within the network system. The  
address consists of a group number (1 50) and satellite number (1 500). A combination of up to 500 satellites  
may be defined. Satellites may only be assigned to one group. However, the same satellite number may be  
used for satellites in different groups. For example, satellite 001 in group 01 has a different address than satellite  
001 in group 04. The satellite address is based on the combination of the group and satellite numbers.  
Use the following procedure to assign the satellite address.  
1. Press  
to select Address indicator The displays show the  
current group and satellite numbers. The default address is group  
50, satellite 500.  
2. Press  
Group number will begin flashing.  
or to select desired group number (01 50).  
Satellite number will begin flashing.  
3 Press  
4. Press  
5. Press  
to select desired satellite number (01 500).  
6. Press  
to enter the information.  
Set Percent Adjust  
This feature enables the run time of all stations assigned to a program to be adjusted by the same  
percentage up or down in 1% increments. Run time percent adjustments can be applied to individual  
programs and/or globally to all programs.  
Note the following Percent Adjust characteristics:  
Adjustable from 10% to 250% (100% is neutral position).  
Adjusted station run time is displayed during program operation and while setting station run times.  
(See Note on page 5 regarding adjusted run time display.).  
% adjust values will be reset to 100% when operated in the Central control mode.  
Global adjust (P0) is applied to all programs in addition to individual program % adjust value.  
Example: A 40 minute run time with a 50% Individual program adjust value and 50% Global adjust value  
equals 10 minutes adjusted run time (40 x 50% = 20 x 50% = 10).  
1. Press  
to select % Adjust indicator. The displays show P0  
Global Adjust  
(All Programs)  
(Global adjust) and current % value. If global adjustment is desired,  
continue at step 3. If Global adjust is not desired, continue at step 2.  
2. Press  
3. Press  
4. Press  
The percentage digits will begin flashing.  
or to adjust the percentage up or down.  
as needed to select desired program number.  
Note: For programs P1 P16, an OFF position is provided between the  
250% and 10% change point. Selecting OFF prevents the program from  
being affected by a global % adjustment and locks the program % adjust  
value at 100%.  
5. Press  
to enter the information.  
6. Repeat steps 2 5 for all programs as required.  
Reviewing Program Information  
To review the current operating information entered for any program, use the procedure below. If you need  
to make changes to any portion of a program or the Time/Day setting, refer to the appropriate procedure in  
the programming section of this manual.  
1. Press  
to select the Program number indicator.  
2. Press  
as needed to select the desired program number (1 16).  
3. Press  
to select the desired portion of program.  
4. Press  
as needed to step through program information.  
Special Functions  
Note: Station/pump outputs will be momentarily cycled on and off several times during the self test and  
Initialization procedures. To prevent possible operation of irrigation valves and pump relay, remove the 3.2A  
fuse or disconnect the field common wire(s) until the test is completed.  
Self Test  
The Self Test enables the LTC satellite to automatically perform a diagnostic check of all functions, LED  
indicators, LCD elements, internal circuits and station/pump outputs.  
To perform the self test:  
1. Turn off power supply switch.  
2. Press and hold  
key down while switching power on. Continue holding key down for 5 seconds,  
then release.  
During the first portion of the test, the displays will momentarily show the following information:  
Software version installed (i.e., version 1.0 = 1 0)  
Number of stations installed (i.e., 16 stations = 16 STA)  
Diagnostic code (i.e., 00 000)  
Memory chip number (i.e., EE1)  
Note: If the memory chip or timer chip is not functioning properly, EE1 Err or CLK Err will be displayed.  
The next portion of the test cycles all LED indicators and LCD elements and turns the station/pump outputs  
on and off.  
3. To end self test, press  
keys simultaneously. Current time will be displayed (flashing). Press  
key to stabilize display.  
Note: Performing an initialization permanently erases all user defined program information from the  
satellite memory (except current time and day).  
To perform an initialization:  
1. Turn off power supply switch.  
2. Press and hold  
key down while switching power on. Continue holding key down for 5 seconds,  
then release.  
Note: The satellite will perform the same operation as the Self Test (as detailed above), however during the  
process all user defined information stored in the memory will be erased.  
3. To end initialization process, press  
keys simultaneously. Current time will be displayed  
(flashing). Press the  
key to stabilize display.  
Radio Calibration Test  
The radio calibration test enables the LTC to generate three different radio test patterns for use in radio  
network communications setup. If a radio is not connected, no indication is seen on the TM. The test  
patterns can be monitored by connecting an oscilloscope or headphones to the modem 2-wire connector.  
To Perform Radio Calibration Test:  
1. Turn off power to controller at power supply switch.  
2. Press and hold  
key while switching on the power. Continue holding down the key for 5 seconds.  
The left display will show CAL.  
3. Wait 30 seconds  
A 1200 Hz test pattern will be generated for 30 seconds.  
A 2200 Hz test pattern will be generated for 30 seconds.  
An alternating 1200/2200 Hz test pattern will be generated for 30 seconds.  
4. Press  
to exit Radio Calibration Test mode.  
Link Monitor  
Link Monitor enables any satellite communicating with the central to review the communications link status  
of all satellites within the network. During Link Monitor operation, the central continuously polls the network  
satellites in numerical sequence and rapidly displays the addresses accompanied by an audible beep. If a  
satellite does not respond to the central during the polling process, the satellite address remains displayed  
for two seconds and is accompanied by two additional beeps. After all satellites have been polled, the last  
satellite address in numerical sequence remains displayed for ten seconds. The polling sequence is  
repeated continuously until the Link Monitor is exited by pressing the Exit/Stop key.  
1. Press and hold down the  
key for five seconds to activate  
Group #  
Satellite #  
Link Monitor mode.  
Note: If this satellite is not connected to the network or if the LCM  
is not polling, 00 000 will be displayed.  
2. Press the  
key to exit the Link Monitor mode.  
If you experience a controller problem, check the programming for a possible programming error and the  
list of problems and solutions listed below. If the problem continues, contact your local Toro distributor  
for assistance.  
Probable Cause  
I Controller inactive no display  
1. 4A control circuit breaker tripped.  
1. Check output module switches. Set  
ALL switches to Auto or Off. Reset  
4A circuit breaker.  
2. Power supply On/Off switch in  
Off (O) position.  
2. Position switch in On () position.  
1. Improper valve connection(s).  
2. Station output module switch in Off  
1. Check connections.  
2. Set output module switch to Auto  
I Controller on valve(s) not  
3. 3.2A fuse blown.  
3. Replace 3.2A fuse  
I Pump does not operate  
1. Pump output module control switch  
in Off position.  
1. Set control switch to Auto position  
2. Pump component malfunction.  
2. Repair or replace faulty pump  
3. Improper pump connection(s).  
1. DIP switch #1 and #2 position.  
3. Check connections.  
1. Check position of DIP switch #1 &  
#2. See page 3.  
I Limited number of programs can  
be operated at a time  
I a.m. or p.m. designation does not  
1. DIP switch #3 in Off position —  
time displayed in 24-hour format.  
1. Set DIP switch #3 to On position.  
See page 3.  
appear with clock time  
Lithium Battery installation (optional)  
An optional 3.9V lithium battery (P/N 363-2200) can be installed to sustain the controllers clock time and the  
currently active program information for approximately 90 days with no additional power applied.  
1. Turn off power to controller at power supply switch.  
2. Remove phillips screws from corners of control panel and  
carefully lift panel up.  
3. Turn control panel over, resting it face down on pedestal.  
Connector cables can remain attached to PCB for this  
4. Remove five phillips screws from back of control panel  
PCB and separate PCB from faceplate assembly.  
5. Locate battery pin sockets located on front side of PCB  
as shown at right. Insert battery carefully to avoid bending  
contact pins. The pins are unevenly spaced allowing the  
battery to be installed easily in one direction only. Do not  
force battery pins into sockets. See Warning above.  
6. Reassemble control panel assembly and reinstall into  
7. Restore power to controller at power supply switch.  
Manual Output Switch Operation  
A 3-position switch is provided on the Pump/Com  
module for additional control of the pump relay  
circuit. In addition, the optional station terminal  
modules with optional control switches have one  
switch for each station output.  
Field Common  
Engage Switch  
Field Common  
Indicator Lamp  
The three switch positions control the circuits as  
On Manually activates the circuit. The pump or  
station will remain on until the switch is moved to the  
Auto or Off position.  
Pump Circuit  
Off Switches the circuit off, preventing pump or  
station operation from the satellite.  
Station Output  
Control Switches  
Auto The circuit is automatically activated by the  
controller during automatic or manual watering  
As an added lightning protection measure, the field  
common circuit is normally open when the controller  
is inactive. Therefore, to use the field output control  
switches for manual operation, the common circuit must be engaged first. Press the Field Common  
Engage push button switch to activate the circuit. The Field Common Indicator Lamp will turn on when the  
circuit is active. The common circuit will automatically disconnect upon completion of an automatic or  
manually activated watering operation initiated through the timing mechanism. The circuit can also be  
disconnected by momentarily switching the power supply off.  
Caution: To prevent damage to the 3.2A field output circuit fuse, do not exceed 3.2A load when  
manually activating multiple field outputs.  
Power Indicator Lamps  
Two indicator lamps, as shown in the illustration at  
right, are provided to verify the presence of power to  
the control and field output circuits. In normal  
Control Circuit  
Indicator Lamp  
Indicator Lamp  
Output Circuit  
operating conditions, both lamps will be On. If both  
lamps are Off, no power is present. Ensure the  
power supply/circuit breaker switch is On. Also  
check the main power source circuit breaker and  
any additional power disconnection devices in the  
fixed wiring. If the left indicator lamp is Off, the 4A  
circuit breaker is open and must be reset. If the right  
indicator lamp is off, the 3.2A field output fuse is  
8-Station Module  
Retainer Screw  
Power Supply  
On/Off Switch  
4A Control  
Circuit Breaker  
Removing and Installing 8-Station Modules  
1. Switch power supply Off  
3.2A Field  
Output Fuse  
Power Supply 5A  
Circuit Breaker  
2. Remove single screw from module.  
3. Pull module outward from top connector then  
upward from bottom connector (if installed).  
4. Install module in reverse order.  
Note: When adding modules, utilize the first available open position from left to right, front to back. Do  
not leave open spaces between modules.  
Program Data Reference Form  
Program Number_____ Date_________  
Station Location  
1 ___________________ 17 ___________________ 33____________________ 49____________________  
2 ___________________ 18 ___________________ 34____________________ 50____________________  
3 ___________________ 19 ___________________ 35____________________ 51____________________  
4 ___________________ 20 ___________________ 36____________________ 52____________________  
5 ___________________ 21 ___________________ 37____________________ 53____________________  
6 ___________________ 22 ___________________ 38____________________ 54____________________  
7 ___________________ 23 ___________________ 39____________________ 55____________________  
8 ___________________ 24 ___________________ 40____________________ 56____________________  
9 ___________________ 25 ___________________ 41____________________ 57____________________  
10 ___________________ 26 ___________________ 42____________________ 58____________________  
11 ___________________ 27 ___________________ 43____________________ 59____________________  
12 ___________________ 28 ___________________ 44____________________ 60____________________  
13 ___________________ 29 ___________________ 45____________________ 61____________________  
14 ___________________ 30 ___________________ 46____________________ 62____________________  
15 ___________________ 31 ___________________ 47____________________ 63____________________  
16 ___________________ 32 ___________________ 48____________________ 64____________________  
Station Run Time (1 minute to 8 hours 59 minutes)  
Sta. 1 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 2 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 3 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 4 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 5 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 6 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 7 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 17 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 18 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 19 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 20 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 21 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 22 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 23 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 33 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 34 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 35 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 36 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 37 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 38 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 39 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 49 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 50 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 51 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 52 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 53 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 54 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 55 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 8 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 24 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 40 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 56 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 9 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 25 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 41 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 57 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 10 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 11 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 12 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 13 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 14 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 15 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 16 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 26 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 27 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 28 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 29 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 30 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 31 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 32 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 42 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 43 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 44 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 45 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 46 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 47 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 48 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 58 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 59 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 60 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 61 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 62 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 63 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Sta. 64 ___ hrs. ___ min.  
Start Times:  
1. ____________ am / pm  
2. ____________ am / pm  
3. ____________ am / pm  
4. ____________ am / pm  
5. ____________ am / pm  
6. ____________ am / pm  
7. ____________ am / pm 10. ____________ am / pm  
8. ____________ am / pm 11. ____________ am / pm  
9. ____________ am / pm 12. ____________ am / pm  
Program Repeat:  
II 0  
I 1  
I 2  
I 3  
Soak Time (059 minutes) ____ Minutes  
Active Day Schedule:  
Calendar Week 1 I Su-1 I Mo-2 I Tu-3 I We-4 I Th-5 I Fr-6 I Sa-7  
Week 2 I Su-8 I Mo-9 I Tu-10 I We-11 I Th-12 I Fr-13 I Sa-14  
I 01  
I 02  
I 03  
I 04  
I 05  
I 06  
I 07  
I 08  
I 09  
I 10  
I 11  
I 12  
I 13  
I 14  
I 15  
I 16  
I 17  
I 18  
I 19  
I 20  
I 21  
I 22  
I 23  
I 24  
I 25  
I 26  
I 27  
I 28  
I 29  
© 1998 The Toro Company  
Irrigation Division  
An ISO-9001-Certified Facility  
P.O. Box 489 Riverside, CA 92502  
Printing Date  
August 1998 - Rev C  
Form Number  
Network LTCTM Plus  
Series Satellite  
U s e r ' s G u i d e  

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