Toshiba Computer Drive MG03SCA300 User Manual

MK3001GRRB 2.5-inch Hard Disk Drive for Enterprise Use  
with 300 Gbyte Capacity and 15,000 rpm Rotational Speed  
By Toru IWAMOTO / Akihiko MAKITA / Tatsuro SASAMOTO / Keiichi YORIMITSU  
Hard disk drives (HDDs) for enterprise use are primary storage devices installed in mission-critical information systems  
such as servers and storage systems. In this field, HDDs must be able to provide high reliability for long-term continuous  
workloads (24 hours a day, seven days a week), as well as high performance including a high data transfer rate and high-speed  
access. Low power consumption has also become essential in recent years.  
In response to the needs of the market, Toshiba has developed the MK3001GRRB 2.5-inch HDD for enterprise use with a  
capacity of 300 Gbyte and a rotational speed of 15,000 rpm. The MK3001GRRB achieves a high data transfer rate of 200  
Mbit/s, a fast average seek time of 2.7 ms, and low power consumption of 4.0 W in idle state.  
1. Introduction  
Table 1 Main specifications of MK3001GRRB 2.5-inch HDD for enterprise use  
As cloud computing becomes increasingly popular,  
transaction processing that is faster than ever before is  
being demanded of servers and storage systems to store  
and manage various types of information. As the main  
storage device in mission-critical information processing  
systems, enterprise-class HDDs are required to have high  
performance (e.g., high data transfer rates and high-speed  
access) in addition to high reliability (to realize continuous  
operation for extended periods of time).  
SAS 2.0  
Interface speed (Gbit/s)  
Storage capacity  
(Embedded HDI sensor) (Embedded HDI sensor)  
Idle mode  
Power consumption (W)  
Low-RPM idle mode  
Rotation speed (rpm)  
Sustained data trans. rate  
(1) High reliability  
Avg. seek time (during read)  
(106 h)  
MTBF: Mean Time between Failures  
High reliability is required to ensure continuous  
operation (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for five  
HDI: Head Disk Interface  
(2) High performance  
enabling up to 200 MB/s sustained data transfer rates.  
Also, it enables high-speed data access with an average  
seek time of 2.7 ms. Further, it achieves low power  
consumption, consuming only 4.0 W while in idle mode.  
For the interface, we employed SAS 2.0 (Serial Attached  
SCSI [Small Computer System Interface] 2.0), which is the  
mainstream HDD interface for enterprise use.  
High data transfer rates and high-speed access are  
essential for processing large amounts of data within  
a short period of time.  
In addition, the recent promotion of energy conservation  
and green products has led to requirements for low-power  
consumption storage device.  
In response to these requests, Toshiba developed the  
MK3001GRRB 2.5-inch HDD. This product achieves  
high performance and high reliability with 15,000 rpm  
rotational speed, while delivering low power consumption.  
In addition to the MK3001GRRB (storage capacity: 300  
GB), we have the MK1401GRRB (storage capacity: 147 GB)  
and encrypting models such as the MK3001GRRR and the  
MK1401GRRR in the lineup. The basic specifications are  
listed in Table 1.  
2. Drive Overview  
Table 1 shows the brief specifications of the  
MK3001GRRB 2.5-inch HDD. The drive has a rotation  
speed of 15,000 rpm and a storage capacity of 300 GB;  
In the following sections, we describe the hardware and  
firmware technologies that we developed to enable both  
high reliability and high performance.  
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1 ms  
VCM current  
Head position  
Seek status  
End of seek movement  
During seek  
Figure 3 Example of finite element method (FEM) analysis—By conducting large-  
scale FEM analysis of the entirety of the HDD’s mechanical components, the shapes and  
structures of each component were optimized, enabling high actuator performance.  
Figure 4 Seek waveform—Alternate seek waveforms with 1/3 of the full stroke  
distances; maximum acceleration exceeding 200 G during seek operations.  
4. Firmware Technologies  
The drive’s firmware consists of the following two function  
With RV-FF  
(1) Servo control functions  
Controls the FDB motor, the VCM for head positioning  
and seeking, etc.  
Without RV-FF  
(2) Controller firmware functions  
Controls the interface that handles commands from  
the host as well as the interfaces with the servo con-  
trol and cache control functions.  
Angular Acceleration of the HDD Case (rad/s2)  
4.1. Servo control functions  
Figure 5 Comparison of Performance with/without RV-FF Servo—Without RV-  
FF, the performance degradation can be observed at 20 rad/s2 or more; with RV-FF, no  
performance degradation can be observed under 100 rad/s2. Anti-vibration performance  
is greatly improved.  
The drive achieves an average seek time of 2.7 ms. The  
drive accelerates and decelerates the carriage with a  
maximum acceleration exceeding 200 G; its maximum  
speed reaches 3 m/s. After such rapid acceleration and  
deceleration movements, the drive must quickly and stably  
follow the target track. Although the width of one track is  
only approximately 90 nm, the heads must be positioned  
exactly above the center of the tracks. For this reason, we  
had to significantly improve the servo feedback control  
loop gain. We also optimized the current waveforms  
during seeking by taking into consideration the resonance  
frequency of the actuator in order to reduce residual  
vibrations and carriage acoustic noise (Figure 4).  
also expanded the RV-FF frequency band. These two  
improvements contributed to a significant improvement for  
the external vibration stress (Figure 5).  
We can also reduce power consumption by powering  
down circuits individually and reducing the rotation speed  
of the disks that are not carrying out read/write operations  
after the drive carries out seek movements or while it is in  
an idle state. We also optimized the FDB spin-up control,  
head loading and unloading controls, and reduced acoustic  
As part of our efforts to realize the above, we also  
increased the sampling frequency of the servo controller,  
used faster processors, and optimized servo controller  
loop shapes.  
By adopting such technologies, we enabled high  
performance, low power consumption, and low acoustic  
Enterprise class HDDs use require consideration of not  
only the vibrations inside HDDs but also the influence  
of external vibrations. In servers and storage systems,  
multiple built-in HDDs as well as the cooling fans  
may cause vibrations. To suppress the performance  
degradation caused by such vibrations, we used rotational  
vibration feed forward (RV-FF) technology to improve  
the above-mentioned actuator feedback control. We  
4.2. Controller firmware functions  
This drive is compatible with the SAS 2.0 industry  
standard and enables an interface speed of up to 6  
The following sections describe the drive’s maintainability  
and high reliability as well as its high functionality, high  
performance, and low power consumption.  
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(2) Data queuing function  
4.2.1. Maintainability and high reliability  
Reduces processing time by executing the write  
operations of several commands together after storing  
write data in the cache area.  
The drive has a self-monitoring analysis reporting  
technology (SMART) function, which warns of critical  
HDD failures in advance, to realize a full-fledged  
implementation of a logging function for detailed failure  
analysis. The drive also has a self-test function, a self-  
diagnostic function which allows the status of the HDD to  
be diagnosed if the system requires it.  
(3) Cache function  
Temporarily holds data to be read or written to/from  
magnetic disks, improve command responses, and  
optimizes processing in response to various access  
forms from the host.  
End-to-end data protection (an error detection function  
executed upon any component failure) and a disk-surface-  
defect avoidance function ensure data reliability at all  
times. Furthermore, the following processes are executed  
in the background, which may improve reliability during  
continuous long-term operation.  
By expanding the data buffer capacity from 16 MB of the  
previous model to 32 MB, we improved cache hit rates  
and realized high performance.  
Furthermore, we realized both high performance and low  
power consumption by introducing a multi-level automatic  
power saving algorithm and command-driven forcible  
power saving as power saving functions.  
(1) Background media scan (BMS) function  
Performs a full scan of the data area at regular in-  
tervals to detect recoverable errors in advance and  
automatically recover them.  
An optional self-encryption drive (SED) function, which  
allows the HDD itself to internally encrypt data, and a data  
integrity field (DIF) function, which allows data protection  
to be controlled at the system level, are supported.  
(2) System area (SA) saving function  
Improves the log function by periodically saving  
system information on the HDD into the SA, which is  
isolated from the user-accessible areas.  
5. Conclusion  
4.2.2. High functionality, high performance,  
and low power consumption  
We optimized and improved the following three basic HDD  
We developed a high-performance 2.5-inch enterprise  
class HDD with a rotation speed of 15,000 rpm and  
an average seek time of 2.7 ms. During development,  
we employed new technologies for the mechanical  
components, servo control section, and controller firmware  
section to enable high reliability and high performance.  
Going forward, Toshiba will continue to push forward  
with the development of HDDs for the enterprise market  
featuring both higher performance and higher quality.  
(1) Reordering function  
Executes command processing in the shortest possi-  
ble period of time by optimizing the execution order of  
received commands (up to 128 commands).  
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