Turbosound Portable Speaker TQ 440SP User Manual

Turbosound Ltd.  
Star Road, Partridge Green  
West Sussex RH13 8RY England  
Tel: +44 (0)1403 711447 Fax: +44 (0)1403 710155  
Issue 1.0 Copyright 2000 Turbosound Ltd.  
user manual  
An exam ple of this equipm ent has been tested and found to com ply with the  
following European and international Standards for Electrom agnetic Com patibility  
and Electrical Safety:  
Radiated Em issions (EU): EN55013-1 (1996)  
RF Im m unity (EU):  
EN55103-2 (1996) RF Im m unity, ESD, Burst Transient, Surge, Dips & Dwels  
Electrical Safety (EU):  
Electrical Safety (USA):  
EN60065 (1998)  
UL6500 3rd edition (1997)  
Sam ples of this product have been tested and were found to com ply with UL’s  
safety requirem ents.  
Important Safety Information  
Do not rem ove Covers. There are no user serviceable parts inside, please refer servicing to  
qualified service personnel. This equipm ent m ust be earthed.  
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Important Safety Information  
Please read carefully and keep the following instructions and safety inform ation. Heed all warnings  
and follow all instructions.  
Do not rem ove covers. There are no user serviceable parts inside, please refer servicing to  
qualified service personnel. This equipm ent m ust be earthed.  
Do not block any of the ventilation openings. Install in accordance with m anufacturers  
Clean only with a dam p cloth.  
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has  
two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third  
grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. When the  
provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacem ent of the  
obsolete outlet.  
Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particulalry at plugs, convenience  
receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.  
Only use attachm ents/accessories specified by the m anufacturer.  
Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table specified by the m anufacturer, or sold with  
the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when m oving the cart/apparatus com bination  
to avoid injury from tip-over.  
Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has  
been dam aged in any way, such as the power supply cord or plug is dam aged, liquid has been  
spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or  
m oisture, does not operate norm ally, or has been dropped.  
Thank you for choosing a TURBOSOUND TQ-440SP self-powered loudspeaker product for your  
application. Please spare a little tim e to digest the contents of this m anual, so that you can obtain  
the best possible perform ance from this unit.  
All TURBOSOUND products are carefully engineered for world class perform ance and reliability.  
If you would like further inform ation about this or any other TURBOSOUND product, please  
We look forward to helping you in the near future.  
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Unpacking the TQ-440SP loudspeaker  
After unpacking the unit please check carefully for dam age. If dam age is found, please notify the  
carrier concerned at once. You, the consignee, m ust instigate any claim . Please retain all  
packaging in case of future re-shipm ent.  
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Congratulations, you have just purchased a professional loudspeaker system from the renowned  
Turbosound range, designed to give you the best in audio quality and m any years of reliable,  
trouble free operation. It offers superior audio quality, unsurpassed vocal projection, full technical  
docum entation including EASE data, and com prehensive rigging and flying hardware options.  
Please read through this m anual carefully before you attem pt to operate the loudspeaker system .  
It contains valuable inform ation enabling you to quickly and easily set up and connect the  
loudspeakers, im portant system and set-up checks together with positioning and m ounting  
Superb audio quality: carefully designed and m atched loudspeaker drive units are used  
throughout to give you exceptional perform ance and m any years of reliable, trouble free  
Controlled dispersion: the TQ-440SP enclosure exhibits a tight, controlled dispersion pattern  
which m inim ises room reflections and focuses the sound pressure directed at audience areas.  
Ease of use: the TQ-440SP is easy to set up and use with the m inim um of technical knowledge  
required. The built-in power am plifiers require only m ains a power connection and signal  
input for correct operation.  
Three way design: the exclusive use of cone transducers in the low and m id frequency bands  
guarantees a seam less low/m id crossover, greater power handling, lower distortion and  
m inim al m echnical stress.  
Speech / Music optim isation: user-selectable frequency response profiles are provided to suit  
specific applications.  
Tim e aligned com ponents: the m id frequency and high frequency drive units are physically  
tim e-aligned within the enclosure to ensure perfect tim e arrival.  
Solid construction: all Turbosound QLight series cabinets are built from high grade birch  
plywood, rebated, screwed and glued together for m axim um rigidity and durability.  
Integral rigging points: fitted as standard, enabling use with m any different types of optional  
flying hardware.  
Com pact enclosure: custom designed 12”/1”co-axial driver allows this three-way enclosure to  
be the equivalent size of m any traditional two-way designs.  
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Product Summary  
The TQ-440SP is a com pact three-way self-powered full range enclosure including integral power  
am plifiers and control electronics. The use of active power am plifier technology ensures an exact  
m atch between am plifier and speaker for optim um acoustic output, and offers exceptional ease of  
use by com bining the entire electro-acoustic system in one convenient, easily transportable  
physical package.  
It incorporates a custom -designed co-axial 12"/1" com bination LF/HF driver in an optim ally tuned  
vented trapezoidal enclosure handling the low and high frequency bands. The critical m id-range  
frequencies are handled by a proprietary 6.5" cone transducer on a 60° horizontal by 40° vertical  
nom inal disperion waveguide, loaded with a TurboMiddevice.  
The exclusive use of cone transducers in both the low and m id frequency bands produces a  
seam less transition at the crossover frequency, with the result that all of the critical vocal range  
right up to 8kHz is lower in distortion than com pression driver-based designs. In addition the 6.5"  
m id-range driver is a highly efficient device, and is able to handle large am ounts of am plifier  
power. The rem aining high frequencies above 8kHz are effortlessly handled by a 1" com pression  
driver, operating in a relatively narrow pass band, and therefore subjected to m inim al m echanical  
stress. The m id and high com ponents are physically tim e aligned within the enclosure, ensuring  
perfect tim e arrival at the listener's ear. When com pared to conventional two-way designs the TQ-  
440SP is able to offer higher SPL, significantly lower distortion, and unsurpassed vocal projection  
capabilities in an equivalently sized physical package.  
A rear panel switch selects optim ised profiles for speech or m usic applications, enabling real  
flexibility of use.  
The TQ-440SP is a full range loudspeaker, and used by itself will provide high quality audio for all  
speech and m any m usic reproduction applications. In order to extend the effective bass frequency  
range of the loudspeaker by a further octave the use of the com plem entary TQ-425SP subwoofer is  
recom m ended.  
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Connector Panel Functions  
1. Signal link – lockable 3-pin XLR line output socket links to additional cabinets. Fully balanced,  
pin 2 Hot, pin 3 Cold and pin 1 not connected.  
2. Signal input – locking 3-pin XLR line input socket connects to audio m ixer. Fully balanced, pin  
2 Hot, pin 3 Cold and pin 1 screen (shield).  
3. Protect – Red LED indicates that the am plifier m odule is in protect m ode.  
4. Speech / Music switch – selects between optim ised frequency response profiles.  
5. Lim it (low) – orange LED indicates lim iting threshold of the low frequency section.  
6. Lim it (high) – yellow LED indicates lim iting threshold of the m id/high frequency section.  
7. Fan – 24 volt DC supply for the connection of an external cooling fan.  
8. Fuse – AC line fuse. Replace only with sam e type.  
9. Power - Blue LED indicates when AC power is applied to the am plifier m odule.  
10. AC m ains connection - accepts Speakon Powercon 3-pin cable-end connector.  
11. Mains switch – turns AC power on to the unit.  
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System Requirements  
The TQ-440SP is a self-powered loudspeaker system . It com prises two independent am plifier  
channels: one channel to power the low frequency driver (LF) plus another channel to power the  
m idrange (MF) and high frequency (HF) together; and a frequency dividing network to split the  
signal and feed it to the appropriate driver section. Additional features such as accurate and  
optim ised peak lim iters for both high and low frequency sections are incorporated into the control  
electronics. The TQ-440SP does not require the use of external am plifiers or crossover/lim iters.  
Additional TQ-440SP units m ay be daisy-chained together sim ply by linking the signal connections  
throught the input / link XLR connectors. In this way exact coverage of an event or perm anent  
installation m ay be achieved using a num ber of self-powered loudspeakers. It is however  
necessary to route individual power cords to each enclosure as it is not possible to daisy chain  
through the power connectors.  
AC power requirements  
The TQ-440SP is equipped with a Neutrik Powercon AC m ains connector, which m ates with the  
power cord supplied with your unit. The TQ-440SP operates with m ains voltages either in the  
range from 100 to 120 volts a.c. or from 220 to 240 volts a.c. The m ains voltage on your unit will  
have been preset at the factory prior to shipm ent. However for clarification please check that both  
the product and the power cord m atch the m ains supply available in your area before use.  
Should it be necessary to alter the m ains voltage setting, for exam ple when touring a country with  
m ains voltage supply differing from that of the country of original shipm ent, the m ains voltage  
switch is located on the inside of the am plifier m odule adjacent to the m ains transform er. Follow  
the instructions given in the Maintenance section of this m anual for rem oval of the am plifier  
m odule, and change the voltage setting to m atch the available supply.  
The m ains fuse is a 3.15A 20m m anti-surge type for 230v m ains supplies, and 6.3A 20m m anti-  
surge type for 115v m ains supplies. Should it ever be necessary, always replace the fuse with the  
identical size and type.  
Power Amplifiers  
The TQ-440SP is equipped with two high power am plifiers designed with sufficient headroom to  
handle large signal transients without break up or distortion, in contrast to other self-powered  
designs which attem pt to com prom ise using inadequately powered am plifiers. The LF am plifier  
delivers 250 watts r.m .s., while the MF/HF am plifier delivers 150 watts r.m .s.  
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Audio Input  
The signal input to the TQ-440SP is fully balanced, with an input im pedance of 10k. The input  
XLR connector is wired pin 2 hot (+ve), pin 3 cold (-ve), and pin 1 screen (shield). The link XLR  
connector is wired pin 2 hot (+ve), pin 3 cold (-ve), and pin 1 not connected. Multiple TQ-440SP  
enclosures m ay be driven from a single audio console, up to a practical lim it of 16 units. Any m ore  
will cause unacceptable signal loss due to the loading of the console output.  
Limiting Functions  
The TQ-440SP is equipped with accurate peak lim iters for both high frequency and low frequency  
sections. Because the HF and LF lim iters work independently of each other, there is no possibility  
of either section com prom ising the perform ance of the other as is the case with a single broad-  
band lim iter. Furtherm ore, each lim iter has its attack and release tim e constants independently set  
and optim ised according to the operating frequency range.  
Music / Speech Optimisation  
A rear panel switch m odifies the overall response of the TQ-440SP in order to give you optim ised  
profiles for different applications. When the speech position is selected, the response of the  
system will exhibit a reduced low frequency / low m idrange content, which has the effect of  
m aking the upper part of the frequency range m ore prom inent. This results in exceptionally good  
intelligibility, and therefore the speech setting is recom m ended whenever m axim um voice  
projection is required. Additionally, under m ost circum stances the speech setting will provide  
higher perceived m axim um sound pressure level.  
When the m usic position is selected, the low frequency section is extended down to a nom inal cut-  
off frequency of 55Hz, which m akes the TQ-440SP balanced for full range reproduction of a wide  
range of m usic. The low frequency extension is achieved by using a com bination of a 2nd order  
high-pass filter and a dynam ic EQ section, with the following benefits:  
Frequencies below 50Hz are attenuated, and the m echanical stress on the low frequency drive  
unit is therefore m aintained within safe lim its.  
The use of dynam ic as well as than fixed EQ reduces the loss of headroom on large signals.  
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Because the TQ-440SP features a sm ooth and even frequency response, it does not need  
equalisation or correction to overcom e the deficiencies often found in lesser designs.  
Should extended frequency response be required at m ore than m edium sound pressure levels, the  
use of the com plem entary TQ-425SP self-powered subwoofer is strongly recom m ended  
In order to com pensate for the room acoustics, the TQ-440SP requires only m inim al equalisation.  
As in any system , over-equalisation introduces phase shifts, distortion and a reduction in  
headroom , usually causing m ore problem s than it cures.  
Under m ost circum stances a 1/3 or 1/2 octave graphic equaliser will generally be adequate, with  
the fader settings applied sm oothly and as little as possible for the required room com pensation.  
Most room s will have resonances that will be excited at particular frequencies needing som e cut to  
help tam e the sound, these problem s are m ost pronounced at the lower frequencies where  
speakers generally exhibit very little directional control.  
If you find that the system needs a lot of boost at lower frequencies you m ay need additional sub-  
bass units as stated above. It is good practice to use as little equalisation as possible, aim ing to cut  
frequencies rather than adding large am ounts of boost.  
One of the design features of the TQ-440SP is its tightly controlled 60º horizontal by 40º vertical  
nom inal dispersion pattern at m id and high frequencies. This gives m any user advantages and  
eases placem ent decisions, being essentially a point and shoot system . A 60º horizontal polar  
pattern equals an angle of 30º either side of the centre line at which the sound pressure level is  
6dB down with respect to centre, (averaged over the whole frequency range of the loudspeaker).  
Thus a 40º vertical dispersion gives an angle of 20º above and below the horizon.  
The TQ-440SP am plifiers are norm ally cooled by the action of convection from the large heatsink  
m ounted externally to the am plifier m odule at the rear of the enclosure. It is im portant to leave  
sufficient space around and especially above the heatsink to allow the convection of heat away  
from the loudspeaker. Under the m ajority of circum stances this cooling effect is sufficient to  
m aintain the am plifiers within a norm al operating tem perature range. In conditions of high  
am bient tem perature and/or in very confined spaces, the use of an external fan m odule is  
recom m ended. A 24 volt socket is provided on the rear panel for that purpose.  
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Mounting and Fixing  
A versatile range of m ounting hardware is available for the TQ-440SP that allows it to be used in a  
variety of ways, in either m obile applications or perm anent installations.  
A top hat stand type fitting is m ounted in the base of the cabinet  
for use with 35m m diam eter loudspeaker stands with a load rating  
of at least 37kgs (82lbs).  
This top hat fitting m ay also be used to m ount the TQ-440SP  
cabinet at the correct height above the com plem entary TQ-425SP  
subwoofer using a straight 35m m pole.  
Internal m etric threaded rigging points are provided  
in several locations on the cabinet – on the top, bottom  
and sides - enabling it to be flown using standard M10  
shoulder eyebolts (available from Turbosound).  
Downward inclination of the enclosure can be adjusted  
using an additional rigging point on the rear of the  
Side-m ounted flying strips can be fitted to the sides of  
the enclosure by rem oving the countersunk bolts on  
the top and sides of the cabinet and replacing them  
with the M10 bolts provided with the hardware. Two  
FF-440 flying strips are required for each enclosure.  
This m ethod offers a sim ple and cost effective m ethod  
of flying single or m ultiple TQ-440SP enclosures, with  
the load being taken through the steel strips rather  
than through the woodwork of the enclosure.  
Enclosures m ay be arranged in a vertical colum n by  
coupling the flying strips together using QL-75  
quicklinks or shackles.  
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The universal FB-12 flybar assem bly enables the use of  
several different fixing m ethods, shown in the diagram here.  
The flybar is attached to to the cabinet using a pair of captive  
M10 shoulder eyebolts (supplied). There are 12 attachm ent  
points equally spaced along the length of the spine.  
Depending on which point is chosen for the given attachm ent  
system , a wide range of downward inclination can be achieved  
over a range of approxim ately 70 degrees. The design of the  
flybar even allows for upwards angles, for exam ple for  
coverage of balconies that are higher than the loudspeaker  
The FB-12 flybar assem bly com es supplied with a U-6 Unilock which provides a single attachm ent  
point. The point at which the Unilock is attached to the flybar determ ines the vertical angle of the  
loudspeaker as shown in the table following.  
A PP-440 pick-up point adaptor offers a further single attachm ent point. This option provides fast  
adjustm ent of vertical angle. The point at which the eyebolt adaptor is attached to the flybar  
determ ines the vertical angle of the loudspeaker as shown in the table following.  
The SC-440 alum inium scaffold clam p adaptor is attached to the T-bar by m eans of a sim ple  
clevis coupler. It is designed to rotate horizontally through 360° in order to enable accurate  
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positioning of the loudspeaker. The point at which the scaffold clam p is attached to the flybar  
determ ines the vertical angle of the loudspeaker as shown in the table following.  
The following table gives the predicted downward angle of the enclosure using the various  
attachm ent points on the FB-12 flybar assem bly.  
Attachm ent position  
Vertical angle (negative angle denotes upwards)  
Hole num ber 1 (front of cabinet)  
Hole num ber 2  
Hole num ber 3  
Hole num ber 4  
Hole num ber 5  
Hole num ber 6  
Hole num ber 7  
Hole num ber 8  
Hole num ber 9  
Hole num ber 10  
Hole num ber 11  
Hole num ber 12 (rear of cabinet)  
The FH-440 is a com plete flying fram e and harness  
which enables the TQ-440SP to be installed with  
the m axim um of security. It provides unlim ited  
variation of horizontal and vertical inclination, and  
is very easy to re-position and angle once rigged.  
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Modular flybar assem bly The key elem ent in flying  
m ultiple TQ-440SP enclosures is a versatile Flying  
Bar Assem bly (FB-58), m anufactured by  
Turbosound, that will support a vertical colum n of  
up to three enclosures deep. Fly bars can be linked  
in the horizontal plane using the index pins  
provided to form arched arrays with adjustable  
(horizontal) angles from 0º to 45º at 5º increm ents  
per cabinet. This allows arrays and clusters of  
alm ost any angle to be configured with the ability  
to change array angles without dism antling and  
whilst suspended. This useful feature allows for  
fine tuning of speaker positions for best coverage,  
throw and SPLs.  
On each side of the TQ-440SP cabinet you will find  
keyhole type quick-release flying plates, plus top  
and bottom rear brackets for pull-up straps and  
linking plates. Single cabinets are suspended with  
short fixed length steel cables (FS-40) and pull up  
straps (TS-440) to align the downward angle. When  
flying m ore than one cabinet in the vertical plane  
the second row of speakers is flown on longer  
fixed length steel cables (FS-61).  
Any installation, whether tem porary or perm anent, m ust be securely attached to the structure of  
the building using chain, steel wires or web straps which are certified and load rated for the  
purpose. The com bined weight of the sound system , its cables and the rigging system m ust be  
safely carried by the points at which attachm ent is m ade to the building or structure. Great care  
m ust be taken in selecting the attachm ent points and m ethods, being absolutely sure of the load  
carrying capacity of points chosen.  
NOTE: The rigging of loudspeaker system s is an extrem ely serious m atter with potentially lethal  
consequences should anything go wrong. It is of vital im portance that you, or other people rigging  
the system , are suitably qualified to do so and have a full understanding of all the factors involved  
with safety as a num ber one priority. Turbosound accepts no responsibility for any accident,  
dam age or failure of any rigged system . This rigging inform ation is specifically related to the  
requirem ents of the TQ-440SP only. For m ore detailed inform ation on the whole topic of rigging  
various handbooks are available. If you are in any doubt contact your Turbosound dealer who will  
be able to refer you to an experienced rigging com pany.  
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The TQ-440SP has a side-wall angle of 16º. Use this position for sm ooth horizontal dispersion that  
is ideal for m any applications. With the high dynam ic range capability and low power com pression  
of the TQ-440SP you should find this wide angle arrangem ent adequate for all but the m ost  
dem anding long throw requirem ents. It also has the advantage of needing fewer cabinets to cover  
the required area.  
When speakers are m ounted together in close proxim ity either stacked on top of each other or  
arrayed the output increases due to the coupling effect. For instance, stacking two cabinets on top  
of each other with the top one inverted gives around 4.5 dB increase in the m id/high section, ideal  
for long throw in large halls, sports stadium s, etc. Mounting the bass drivers close to each other  
gives the sam e gain at the low end. When the system is arrayed for wider angle coverage with  
cabinets side by side the gain is in the order of 3db.  
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Choosing the best location  
It was stated earlier that the TQ-440SPs tightly controlled directivity gives it essentially point and  
shoot qualities. Every room has its own unique set of characteristics that affect any sound  
introduced into the room . These include reverberation reflections and decay tim e, sound  
absorption of m aterials used, tem perature and hum idity, etc. A degree of experim entation with  
different locations (if possible) is best, especially if you are perm anently installing the speaker and  
have particular requirem ents where you want to concentrate the sound into a specific area.  
Any boundary like a wall or floor will lift certain frequencies. If you are fixing the unit to a wall, or  
in a corner then a lift at the bass end is to be expected and it m ay sound rather boom y. Either  
reduce the low end by m eans of a graphic equaliser or m ove the speaker.  
Room s with a lot of soft furnishings, curtains and drapes will absorb sound, especially at high  
frequencies. These room s can sound rather dead and m ay appear to need m ore am plifier power to  
generate high SPL’s but have the advantage that the sound needs less equalisation and is easier to  
control. In this case the listener receives m ainly direct sound, that is the sound em anating directly  
from the loudspeaker, with little reflected sound.  
If the room has a lot of hard, exposed surfaces such as wooden floors, brick or plaster walls or  
glass windows, these will reflect the sound, causing it to bounce around the room and sounding  
over bright. These room s also tend to have various resonances that will be excited by high SPLs.  
Listening in the m iddle of the room you will hear a lot of reflected sound in com parison with the  
direct sound. Care is needed with speaker positioning, SPL’s and equalisation. If the room is large  
and very reverberant then bass roll-off below about 250 Hz m ay be required to ensure a  
reasonable level of intelligibility.  
For long, narrow room s the traditional left and right stacks (floor, wall m ounted or flown) can  
suffice with good stereo im aging in the centre of the room . For m ulti-tier venues such as theatres,  
speakers should be flown or wall m ounted to project into each tier. In highly reverberant room s  
often a central cluster is the best option. This acts as a virtual point source with all the sound  
em anating from one point in the room , but path lengths should be carefully calculated.  
The relationship between sound pressure level and distance is an “inverse square law” so  
rem em ber that every tim e the distance from the sound source is doubled the sound level  
decreases by 6dB. For every 3dB increase of speaker output you need a doubling of input power  
and you can work out the Wattage input needed to give the required SPL levels at various  
distances from the loudspeaker(s).  
When speakers are flown in free space then boundary effects are m inim ised. The result is a  
sm ooth frequency response without any boost at odd frequencies, but the bass end m ay appear  
subjectively light. In this case you will need floor m ounted sub-bass, to bring the low end up.  
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Should a fault develop with the am plifier m odule, we recom m end that you rem ove the m odule as  
described below and return it to a qualified Turbosound service centre for repair. The m odule  
contains no user-serviceable parts, and the warranty will be invalidated if unauthorised repairs are  
carried out.  
If one of the drive units in the cabinet should cease functioning and needs a replacem ent recone or  
diaphragm you are advised to rem ove the faulty unit from the cabinet and send it to a professional  
recone service authorised to recone Turbosound loudspeakers. This will ensure the continued high  
perform ance of your TQ-440SP.  
Removal of the Amplifier module  
1. Release the four M5 Allen head bolts securing the am plifier m odule to the rear of the cabinet  
and disconnect the Molex 4-way connector from the PCB. The m odule can now be lifted clear  
of the cabinet and set aside.  
2. Replacem ent is a straightforward reversal of the above procedure. Take care to connect the  
Molex connector securely to the PCB (it is polarised and cannot be connected incorrectly)  
before replacing and tightening the four M5 Allen head bolts.  
Removal of the 12”/1” driver  
1. Unscrew the eight countersunk screws from the two vertical battens which hold the protective  
grille in place. Be careful when rem oving the grille as it is under tension and m ay spring  
outwards when released. Set the battens, grille and fixing screws aside for later re-assem bly.  
2. Undo the eight M6 x 30m m Allen head bolts holding the driver in place and carefully pull it  
out and away from the cabinet. WARNING - This unit is heavy! You will notice that the 1” high  
frequency driver is attached to the back of the 12” low frequency driver by its screw adapter.  
Disconnect the cables from both HF and LF units and com pletely rem ove the driver assem bly  
from the cabinet. Make a note of the driver polarity for later reconnection.  
3. Separate the drive units by unscrewing the high frequency driver anti-clockwise and lift it  
away from the low frequency driver. Depending on which section needs servicing, the  
appropriate drive unit should be returned to an authorised Turbosound service centre.  
4. To reinstate the drivers, sim ply reverse the above procedure m aking sure you observe the  
correct polarity when reconnecting the cables back into the term inals of the drive units.  
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user manual  
Removal of the midrange drive unit  
If the m idrange drive unit requires m aintenance, it will first be necessary to rem ove the am plifier  
m odule. The m idrange driver is held in place by a M10 x 25m m bolt through the rear of the  
cabinet into the back plate of the drive unit underneath the am plifier m odule. Once this is released  
the m idrange horn and drive unit assem bly can be rem oved.  
1. Rem ove the am plifier m odule as described above and set it aside.  
2. The M10 bolt securing the m idrange driver will now be accessible in a recess in the enclosure  
rear panel. Using a 17m m socket, unscrew the bolt and set aside for later re-assem bly.  
3. Unscrew the eight countersunk screws from the two vertical battens which hold the protective  
grille in place. Be careful when rem oving the grille as it is under tension and m ay spring  
outwards when released. Set the battens, grille and fixing screws aside for later re-assem bly.  
4. The m idrange horn is secured through the m ounting flange with four #10 x 1/12” pan head  
wood screws. Unscrew these and lift out the horn and driver assem bly.  
5. Disconnect the cables, m aking a note of the polarity, and carefully lift the driver clear.  
For any other servicing requirem ents please contact your Turbosound dealer or authorised service  
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user manual  
Technical Specifications  
Dim ensions  
558m m x 409m m x 363m m (23.1” x 16.1” x 14.3”)  
37.5kgs (82.5lbs)  
Net weight  
Com ponents  
12”/1” LF/HF co-axial driver, 6.5” MF driver on a TurboMiddevice  
55Hz – 20kHz ±4dB  
Frequency response  
Nom inal dispersion  
Maxim um SPL  
60°H x 40°V @-6dB points  
128dB continuous, 134dB peak  
15m m (5/8”) birch plywood throughout; rebated, screwed and glued.  
Finished in black sem i-m att textured paint. Two recessed carrying  
handles. Integral 35m m pole m ount. Two keyhole flyplates  
Reticulated foam on expanded steel m esh  
Input: (1) XLR fem ale; (1) XLR m ale, wired pin 2 hot  
Neutrik Powercon  
Mains connection  
TurboBlue sem i-m att textured paint  
Am plifier  
Class AB  
Power output:  
HF: 150 watts r.m .s.  
LF: 250 watts r.m .s.  
typically 0.01%, 20Hz – 20kHz  
10k, electronically balanced  
230V AC 50Hz, 115V AC 60Hz  
Input im pedance:  
Power requirem ents:  
Due to continuing product im provem ent the above specifications are subject to change.  
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Spares and accessories  
12” (305m m ) LF loudspeaker  
Recone kit for LS-1214  
6.5” (165m m ) MF loudspeaker  
Recone kit for LS-6505  
1” (25m m ) HF com pression driver  
Replacem ent diaphragm for CD-103  
Internal passive crossover network  
Replacem ent foam / m etal grille  
Am plifier m odule  
Fan m odule  
Flying accessories  
M10 shoulder eyebolt  
Flying strips (2 required per enclosure)  
Universal fly bar assem bly  
Pick-up point adaptor  
Scaffold clam p adaptor  
Modular fly bar assem bly  
Flying steel long (610m m )  
Flying steel short (400m m )  
Tilt strap  
Biscuit for TQ-440  
Biscuit for TQ-440SP  
Flying fram e and harness  
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Limited Warranty  
This Turbosound loudspeaker product is warranted to the original end-user purchaser and all  
subsequent owners for a period of one (1) year on electronics assem blies, and two (2) years on  
loudspeakers from the original date of purchase.  
Warranty Coverage  
Warranty coverage includes defects in m aterials and workm anship. It does not include:  
dam age caused by accident, m isuse, abuse, neglect or m odification by any person other than  
an authorised Turbosound representative,  
dam age caused by failure to operate the product in accordance with the instructions  
contained in the user m anual,  
dam age occuring during shipm ent in transit,  
claim s based on any m isrepresentation by the seller,  
products which do not have the original com ponents as specified in the product engineering  
inform ation,  
products on which the serial num ber has been rem oved or defaced.  
Should any fault develop with a com ponent of your Turbosound system , please return the  
product, freight pre-paid, in its original packing carton, along with proof of purchase such as the  
original bill of sale or receipted invoice, and a description of the suspected fault to Turbosound  
Ltd. (Att: Custom er Service), Star Road, Partridge Green, West Sussex RH13 8RY, England, or your  
local authorised Turbosound representative. The product serial num ber m ust be quoted in all  
correspondence relating to the claim . Insurance is recom m ended, as Turbosound or its  
representatives are not liable for loss or dam age in transit. Turbosound will pay for return freight  
costs should repairs be covered under warranty.  
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user manual  
Incidental and consequential damages  
Turbosound's liability is lim ited to the repair or replacem ent, at our option, of any defective  
product, and shall not be liable for any incidental and consequential dam ages including, without  
lim itation, injury to persons or property or loss of use.  
Limitation of implied warranties  
All im plied warranties, including warranties of m erchantability and fitness for a particular purpose,  
are lim ited in duration to the length of this warranty.  
This warranty is in addition to, and in no way detracts from , your statutory rights as a consum er.  
No other warranty is expressed or im plied.  
Please record your purchase inform ation below for future reference:  
Dealer Nam e ......................................................................................................................  
Dealer Address ..................................................................................................................  
Post / Zip Code ..................................................................................................................  
Dealer telephone / fax .......................................................................................................  
Invoice num ber .................................................................................................................  
Date of purchase ...............................................................................................................  
Unit serial num ber ............................................................................................................  
TQ-440SP manual  
page 23  
Turbosound Ltd.  
Star Road, Partridge Green  
West Sussex RH13 8RY England  
Tel: +44 (0)1403 711447 Fax: +44 (0)1403 710155  

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