Vacuflo Vacuum Cleaner 260 User Manual

Read the owner’s manual thoroughly before operating to ensure the most efficient  
use of the system.  
ATTENTION INSTALLER: Please be sure this manual and warranty information are  
left with the power unit or customer when installation is complete.  
Instructions For  
True Cyclonic  
MODELS: 260, 466Q,  
566Q, 760 & 960  
512 West Gorgas Street P.O. Box 3912 • Louisville, OH 44641-3912  
Dealer Name _____________________________________________  
Dealer Phone_____________________________________________  
Serial Number ____________________________________________  
P/N 9043 • 07/08  
MODELS: 260, 466Q, 566Q, 760 & 960 VACUFLO® True Cyclonic®  
Read These Instructions Before Using This Vacuum System  
When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the  
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire,  
electric shock or injury:  
• Unplug and disconnect power before servicing.  
• Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used by or near children.  
• Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacturer’s recommended attachments.  
• Do not use with damaged cord or plug. If appliance is not working as it should, has been  
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it to an authorized servicing  
• Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a handle, close a door on cord, or pull cord around  
sharp edges or corners. Do not run appliance over cord. Keep cord away from heated  
• Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.  
• Do not handle system or appliance with wet hands.  
• Use extra care when cleaning on stairs.  
• Do not use on wet surfaces.  
• Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked. Keep openings  
free of dust, lint, hair, and anything that may reduce airflow.  
• Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of body away from openings and moving parts.  
• Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.  
• Connect to a properly grounded outlet. See grounding instructions.  
• Turn off all controls before unplugging.  
• Do not use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or use in areas  
where they may be present.  
• Do not place or store anything on top of power unit - overheating of motor could occur.  
• Any service work required under the top cover should be performed by an authorized service  
MODELS: 260, 466Q, 566Q, 760 & 960 VACUFLO® True Cyclonic®  
Connect To A Properly Grounded Outlet Only.  
This appliance must be grounded. If it should  
malfunction or break down, grounding provides  
Grounding Method: 260, 466Q, 566Q  
a path of least resistance for electric current to  
reduce the risk of electric shock. This appliance  
is equipped with a cord having an equipment  
grounding conductor and grounding plug. The plug  
must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is  
properly installed and grounded in accordance with  
all local codes and ordinances.  
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding  
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.  
Check with a qualified electrician or service person  
if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet is  
properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided  
with the appliance - if it will not fit the outlet, have a  
proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.  
Figure A  
Grounding Method: 760 & 960  
Models 260, 466Q & 566Q are for use on a nominal  
120 volt circuit and has a grounding plug that looks  
like the plug in Fig. A .  
Models 760 & 960 Dual Motor units are for use on  
a nominal 120 volt circuit and has a grounding plug  
that looks like the plug illustrated in Fig. B.  
Make sure that the appliance is connected to an  
outlet having the same configuration as the plug.  
No adapter should be used with this appliance.  
Figure B  
Save These Safety Instructions  
Intended For Household and Light Commercial Use.  
Do not vent into a wall, a ceiling, or concealed space of a building or structure.  
Electric shock could occur if used on wet surfaces.  
Do not use on wet rug or floor.  
General Information  
Do not store objects on top of the power unit. This will block the motor cooling  
ventilation. Restricting the cooling airflow may shorten the motor life.  
The central vacuum is designed to vacuum ordinary household dirt and dust. The system is  
designed for dry pickup. A WetVac accessory is needed if the system will be used for liquid  
The central vacuum system is a network of inlet valves, 2” PVC tubing, and low voltage wiring  
installed in the walls of your home. To operate the system, simply plug the hose into an inlet  
valve, attach the cleaning tool to the curved hose end and begin vacuuming. The dirt is  
transported through the in-wall tube system back to the dirt canister (located on the power unit).  
Caution: Do not allow the motor to remain turned on, unless a hose is connected or an  
inlet valve is open. If air is not permitted to pass through the fan blades, damage may  
occur to the motor.  
To register your VACUFLO system warranty in the United States and Canada, register online at  
Proof of Purchase or Registration of the VACUFLO System is required before any warranty work  
will be performed by an Authorized VACUFLO Dealer. Registration ensures a fast and easy  
resolution to your warranty requirements.  
Operating Instructions  
Using the Central Vacuum System is easy. Simply raise the inlet valve lid, insert the hose end  
and attach the desired cleaning tool to the hose wand. The Power Unit is activated when the  
hose is inserted into the valve.  
General Power Unit Maintenance  
The simple care and maintenance instructions included here will help ensure trouble-free use of  
the central vacuum system.  
• Do not place objects on top of the power unit. The motor could overheat.  
• Do not allow the motor to remain “on” unless a hose is connected or an inlet valve is open. If  
airflow is not permitted to flow through fan blades, motor damage may occur.  
• Empty the dirt canister when it is 3/4 full.  
• Remember to clean the motor guard screen each time the dirt receptacle is emptied (refer to  
Cleaning the Guard Screen instructions).  
• The power unit does not require any lubrication.  
• The exterior of the power unit can be wiped with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use liquid cleaners  
or water as an electrical shock may occur.  
• For additional service contact the qualified servicing dealer written on the front of this manual  
MODELS: 260, 466Q, 566Q, 760 & 960 VACUFLO® True Cyclonic®  
Emptying the Dirt Canister & Cleaning the Guard Screen  
The dirt canister – where the vacuumed dirt  
is deposited – is the removable lower portion  
of the power unit. The canister needs to be  
removed and emptied when it is 3/4 full. The  
Motor Guard Screen should be cleaned each  
time you empty the dirt canister.  
The motor guard screen is located directly  
above the dirt canister inside the power unit.  
The guard screen is not removable, it is  
designed to prevent lightweight fibers from  
entering the motor impeller blades. A buildup  
of material on the guard screen may result in  
a loss of vacuum.  
Illustration #1  
Follow these steps  
(refer to Illustration #1, #2, and #3)  
Make sure the Power Unit is OFF.  
1. Unlatch and remove the Dirt Canister.  
Latches are located on opposite sides of  
the power unit. (Illustration #1)  
2. Remove the dirt canister. Hold or place the  
canister under the power unit to catch the  
debris removed from the guard screen.  
(Illustration #2)  
3. Using a long handled brush, insert the  
brush through the bottom of the dirt cone  
reaching to the guard screen. Gently  
“sweep” the screen to remove the debris.  
(Illustration #3)  
Illustration #2  
3. Dispose of the dirt and debris captured in  
the dirt canister.  
4. Raise the dirt canister to the proper  
location under the power unit and engage  
the latches. Be certain the dirt canister  
is “seated” properly to the gasket on the  
body of the power unit.  
View from  
beneath the unit  
Illustration #3  
Troubleshooting the System  
Motor Fails to Turn On:  
• Check the main fuse or circuit breaker at the main power supply panel of your home. Reset  
breaker or replace fuses if necessary.  
• Check the Power Unit reset button located above the power cord. Pressing the button should  
restore operation.  
• If the circuit protector continues to trip off after a short period of time, the motor brushes  
may be worn out. Contact the qualified servicing dealer written on the front of this manual or  
Loss of Vacuum  
If the system shows a loss of vacuum power, check the following:  
• The dirt receptacle and motor guard screen may need cleaned – follow instructions in this  
• The hose may be clogged – To check if there is an obstruction, unplug the hose and insert  
an object that is smaller then the diameter of the hose (A butter knife works well). Pass  
the object completely through the hose, if it stops that will indicate where the obstruction  
is located. A dry garden hose can be inserted into the hose to help push the obstruction  
• The Dirt Canister may not be properly seated to the gasket – Follow instructions for replacing  
the dirt canister.  
• Tube lines may be obstructed – First check the 90 degree elbow located directly behind  
the inlet valves, if an obstruction occurs it will usually not make it past this elbow. If the  
obstruction is not visible at the elbow, attempt to purge the tubing at each inlet valve. To do  
this, connect the hose and use your hand to stop airflow at the end of the hose for a couple  
seconds, let airflow resume. Repeat if necessary.  
• If necessary, contact the qualified servicing dealer written on the front of this manual or locate  
Obtaining Service Under Warranty: To obtain repair on warranted parts contact the seller  
of the system with the power unit serial number.  
MODELS: 260, 466Q, 566Q, 760 & 960 VACUFLO® True Cyclonic®  
Lisez Complètement Le Mode D’emploi Avant  
D’utiliser Ce Système D’aspirateur.  
En employant un appareil électrique, des précautions fondamentales devraient toujours être prises,  
y compris:  
Pour réduire les dangers de feu, d’électrocution,  
ou de blessure:  
• Débrancher et couper le courant avant de le réparer.  
• Ne pas utiliser sur des surfaces mouillées.  
• Ne pas utiliser comme jouet et surtout faire attention quand on l’emploie prés des enfants.  
• Employer seulement tel que décrit dans ce manuel d’emploi et qu’avec les accessories du  
• Ne pas utiliser si la corde ou la prise électrique est endommagée. Si l’appareil ne fonctionnne  
pas, est endommagé, est tombé par terre, a été laissé à l’extérieur, ou a été immergé, dans  
l’eau, veuillez rapporter l’appareil à un centre de service.  
• Ne pas tirer sur le cordon eléctrique. Ne pas utiliser le cordon eléctrique comme poignée, ni  
le coincer dans une porte ou l’appuyer sur des coins et boudures tranchants. Ne pas passer  
l’aspirateur sur le cordon électrique. Eloigner le cordon électrique de la chaleur.  
• Ne pas débrancher en tirant sur le cordon électrique. Pour le débrancher, saisir la prise de  
courant, et non le cordon électrique.  
• Ne pas utiliser avec les mains mouillées.  
• Ne rien mettre dans les fentes et les orifices bouchés. Ne pase employer avec des orifices  
bouches. Éliminer poussiére, cheveux et les autres choses qui peuvent rendre difficile la  
circulation d’air.  
• Gardez cheveux, vêtements amples, doigts, et toutes autres parties du corps loin des orifices  
et des piéces mobiles.  
• Ne pas aspirer queique chose qui brûle ou fume, comme des cigarettes, des allumettes, ou  
des cendres chaudes.  
• Brancher à une prise de courant munie d’une mise à la terre. Voir les reseignements de mise  
à la terre.  
• Éteindre tous les contrôles avant de débrancher.  
• Faire bien attention en nettoyant les escaliers.  
• Ne pas utiliser pour aspirer des liquides infammables comme l’essence et ne pas employer  
dans des endroits où ces choses peuvent se trouver.  
• Ne rien placer ou entreposer sur le dessus de l’appareil - une surchauffe du moteur pourrait  
se produire.  
• N’importe quel travail de service exigé sous la couverture supérieure devrait être effectué par  
un technicien autorisé.  
Ne brancher l’appareil qu’à une prise avec mise à la terre.  
Cet appareil doit avoir une mise à la terre. Si  
une défectuosité ou autre survenait, la mise à  
la terre offre une voie de moindre résistance au  
courant électrique, d’où un risque moins élevé d  
électrocution. Cet appareil est équipé d’ un cordon  
électricque ayant un conducteur et une fiche de  
mise à la terre. Cette fiche doit être branchée dans  
une prise appropriée qui a été installée et mise à  
la terre convenablement en accord avec le code  
électrique de votre région.  
260, 466Q,  
Un branchement incorrect de l’équipement de mise  
à la terre peut causer un risque d’électrocution. Si  
vous avez un doute concernant la mise à la terre de  
votre prise, veuillez faire vérifier votre installation par  
un électricien qualifié ou une personne du service  
après-vente. Ne pas modifier la fiche fournie avec  
l’appareil - si la fiche ne se branche pas à la prise,  
faites installer une prise adéquate par un électricien  
Modéle A  
760, 960  
La Terre  
Les appareils, modéle 260, 466Q, & 566Q doivent  
être employés avec un circuit de 120 volts et avoir  
une prise qui ressemble à la prise illustrée sur  
I’image A.  
Les appareils, modéle 760 & 960 doivent être  
employés avec un circuit de 120 volts et avoir une  
prise qui ressemble à la prise illustrée sur I’image B.  
Modéle B  
Vérifiez que votre appareil est branché sur une prise ayant la même configuration que la fiche  
électrique. Aucun adapteur ne devrait être utilisé avec cet appareil.  
Usage reservé pour la maison ou emploi commercial léger.  
Ne pas ventiler dans un mur, un plafond, ou un espace dissimulé d’un bâtiment ou un édifice.  
Lifetime Plus 3 Residential Limited Warranty  
VACUFLO Central Vacuums are manufactured by H-P Products, Inc., 512 W. Gorgas Street, Louisville, Ohio,  
44641. The following is the exclusive limited warranty provided by H-P Products, Inc.  
All permanently installed components of the VACUFLO Built-In Central Vacuum System are warranted  
to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and care as long as the original  
consumer owns the home of the original installation or until the system is removed from its’ original  
installation location, whichever occurs first.  
In the event of a defect in permanently installed components of the VACUFLO System, an authorized  
VACUFLO dealer should be contacted. The dealer will repair or replace (at H-P Products, Inc.’s option)  
any permanently installed defective part or parts at your location at no labor cost for a period of three  
(3) years. Thereafter, repaired or replacement (at our option) part or parts will be provided to you for  
any items under warranty.  
Attachments: VACUFLO cleaning attachments including: turbine power brushes, non-electric hoses,  
wands, tools and tool caddies are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under  
normal use and care for three (3) years from original date of consumer purchase. In the event of a defect  
in a VACUFLO cleaning attachment, the attachment will be repaired or replaced (at H-P Products, Inc.  
option) at an authorized VACUFLO dealer location at no cost to you for three (3) years from original date  
of consumer purchase. Electric powerheads and hoses are warranted to be free from defects in material  
and workmanship under normal use and care for one (1) year from original date of purchase, as more  
fully set forth in the electric powerhead manual. There is no warranty for consumable items such as light  
bulbs, belts and beater brushes.  
In non-residential applicationsthe VACUFLO System will be free from defects in material and workmanship  
for one (1) year from the date of purchase. Hoses, tools, turbine attachments and other attachments will be  
free from defects in material and workmanship for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.  
Limitations of Warranty: This Limited Lifetime Warranty begins on the date of the original purchase  
of the unit. This Limited Lifetime Warranty does not cover (a) any power unit purchased from a non-  
authorized VACUFLO dealer; (b) any VACUFLO central vacuum system which has not been installed in  
accordance with manufacturer’s recommended instructions; (c) any VACUFLO central vacuum system  
or attachment which has been altered or modified in any way; (d) any VACUFLO central vacuum system  
or attachment which has been damaged due to misuse, negligence, accident, or improper operation; (e)  
any damage due to shipping and handling; (f) any damage due to installation or faulty installation; (g)  
any VACUFLO central vacuum system or attachment upon which an unauthorized repair or service has  
been performed; or (h) the Hide-A-Hose Retractable Hose Management System (for complete Hide-A-  
Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation or warranties or limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and  
you may have other rights that vary from state to state.  

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