TRENDnet Network Card 18 1106 33 User Manual

MultiTemp III  
User Manual  
Edition AD  
1. Introduction..................................................................... 3  
2. Safety information ........................................................... 3  
2.1 Safety precautions................................................. 3  
2.2 Safety standards.................................................... 4  
2.3 Safety features ...................................................... 5  
3. Installation....................................................................... 6  
3.1 Unpacking and installation ................................... 6  
3.2 Tubing connections............................................... 7  
3.3 Recommended bath liquids................................... 7  
3.4 Filling and draining the bath ................................ 8  
3.5 Mains connection ................................................. 8  
4. Operation ........................................................................ 9  
4.1 Start-up.................................................................. 9  
4.2 Setting the temperature limit .............................. 10  
4.3 Temperature setting limit .................................... 10  
4.4 Temperature setting ............................................ 11  
4.5 Temperature correction value ............................. 11  
5. Trouble shooting..............................................................13  
5.1 Error messages......................................................13  
6. Maintenance ....................................................................14  
6.1 General .................................................................14  
6.2 Fuses.....................................................................14  
7. Detailed Description ........................................................16  
7.1 General operating principle...................................16  
7.2 Front and rear panels............................................16  
7.3 Control panel........................................................16  
7.4 Description of safety features................................18  
7.5 Manual restart in operation mode 8 .....................20  
8. Technical specification .....................................................22  
9. Ordering information.......................................................23  
Short instructions (Back page)  
1. Introduction and 2. Safety information  
1. Introduction  
MultiTemp III circulates constant temperature liquid to  
external electrophoresis equipment. The liquid temperature  
range is -10 to +90 °C. The unit contains KLEA 134a*, an  
ozone friendly HFC-type coolant.  
MultiTemp III both supplies coolant for high voltage techni-  
ques and provides temperature control at higher temperature  
(e.g. 60 °C) when performing DNA sequencing. When used  
with equipment such as the Pharmacia Biotech Multiphor II  
electrophoresis unit, two units can be connected to  
MultiTemp III at the same time.  
MultiTemp III can also be used as a stand-alone constant  
temperature water bath.  
*KLEA 134a is the Trademark of ICI.  
2. Safety information  
Read this entire manual before using MultiTemp III.  
1. This instrument is designed for indoor use only.  
2. The unit must be connected to a grounded mains socket.  
2.1 Safety  
3. Ensure that the vents at the sides of the instrument are not  
4. Do not use in a dusty atmosphere or close to spraying  
5. Set the temperature limit cut-off correctly.  
6. Use only water or water with ethylene glycol in the bath.  
1. Introduction and 2. Safety information  
7. Do not use the circulator beyond its specifications or for  
other than its intended use.  
8. Do not touch the stainless steel bath cover and tubings  
when the unit is used at a high working temperature. Under  
these conditions, the surface temperature can rise up to  
approximately 70 °C.  
MultiTemp III is designed in accordance with:  
2.2 Safety  
• Protection class 1 according to IEC 536: all conductive  
parts that might become accessible are connected to earth.  
• Protection IP 32 according to IEC 529/EN 60529: protec-  
tion against accidentally touching accessible live parts by  
penetration of particles with a thickness or a diameter of  
more than 2.5 mm and protection against dropping water  
onto the unit, inclined at max. 15 degree angle.  
This product meets the following EG directives:  
72/23/EEC through the harmonised standard;  
EN 61010-1, Safety requirements for electrical equipment  
for measurement, control and laboratory use.  
- Part 1: General requirements.  
- Part 2: Requirements for laboratory Equipment for hea-  
ting of material.  
Note: the operator has to apply the safety precautions lis-  
ted in section 2.1 above.  
89/336/EEC through the standards;  
- EN 50081/Part 1:03.93 Electromagnetic Compatibility  
emission standard  
- EN 50082/Part 1:03.93 Electromagnetic Compatibility,  
Generic immunity standard.  
The CE symbol, and corresponding declaration of confir-  
mity, is valid for the instrument when it is  
- used as a “stand alone” unit or  
- connected to other CE marked Pharmacia Biotech  
instruments or  
- connected to other products recommended or descri-  
bed in this manual and  
- is used in the same state as it was delivered from  
Pharmacia Biotech AB except for alterations described in  
this manual.  
1. Introduction and 2. Safety information  
General cut-off  
2.3 Safety  
The heater, the compressor and the circulation pump can be  
switched off by a relay built into the unit. This general cut-  
off will be activated if a malfunction is detected by the safety  
See 7.4, Description of Safety Features.  
Protection against over-heating  
A built-in temperature limit switch protects against uncon-  
trolled heating of the bath liquid by activating the general  
cut-off if this limit is exceeded.  
The built-in temperature limit switch also senses low levels of  
See 7.4, Description of Safety Features.  
Pump motor protection  
When the temperature in the winding of the pump motor  
reaches a certain level, the general cut-off will be activated,  
preventing the motor from overheating.  
See 7.4, Description of Safety Features.  
Sensor check  
The temperature sensor is permanently monitored. The gene-  
ral cut-off is activated if sensor breakage or current leakage is  
See 7.4, Description of Safety Features.  
Restart after power failure  
MultiTemp III automatically restarts after a power failure.  
See 7.4, Description of Safety Features.  
3. Installation  
3. Installation  
1. Check the contents against the packing list supplied. Inspect  
for any damage that may have occurred during transit. Report  
any damage immediately to your local Pharmacia Biotech  
representative and to the transport company concerned.  
3.1 Unpacking  
2. Place MultiTemp III in its working location, ensuring ade-  
quate space for ventilation of air through the grids on the  
sides (air outlet) and rear (air inlet) of the unit.  
3. Allow MultiTemp III to stand in an upright position for  
24 hours before use. Compressor lubricant may have run  
into the liquifier and evaporator if the unit has not been  
transported in an upright position.  
Fig. 1. Front and rear view of MultiTemp III.  
6. Circuit breaker  
1. Control Panel  
2. Temperature limit dial  
3. Outlet nozzle  
4. Inlet nozzle  
220 V, two thermal fuses  
115 V, one thermal fuses  
7. Bath Drain  
8. Handles (front and rear)  
9. Cover lid  
5. Mains cable  
10. Air ventilation  
3. Installation  
Silicone tubing (inner diameter 8 mm) can be used over the  
entire working temperature range of the unit. PVC tubing  
can only be used in the temperature range of 10 to 60 °C.  
3.2. Tubing  
1. Connect the inlet and outlet tubing to the nozzles on the  
rear of the circulator (Fig. 1).  
2. Connect the other ends to the electrophoresis unit. The  
nozzles have an outer diameter of 9.5 mm. To ensure safe  
tubing connections, secure all tubing with hose clamps.  
When MultiTemp III is used as a water bath, the nozzles  
should be connected to each other.  
Condensation of water on cold tubing can be avoided by  
covering it with insulating tubing. (See Insulation for cooling  
tubing in the Ordering Information section.)  
Condensation on the cooling plate of Multiphor II during  
sample application can be avoided by shutting off the circula-  
tion to the cooling plate with a three way valve. (See 3-way  
Valve Set in the Ordering Information section.)  
Note: Do not touch or remove tubing when the unit is in  
operation. Stay alert to the dangers of hot water. The  
surface temperature of the tubing can reach 70 °C at  
high working temperatures.  
Use distilled water in the temperature range of 5 to 90 °C. A  
mixture of distilled water and ethylene glycol in a concentra-  
tion up to 20% is suitable for lower ranges (-10 to +40 °C).  
3.3 Recom-  
Warning! Ethylene glycol is poisonous. Handle with care and  
follow recommended safety procedures.  
Warning! Methanol and ethanol are not recommended becau-  
se of their low flash points. Both liquids are unsafe to use.  
Remove the plastic lid and fill the bath with liquid. The dis-  
tance between the surface of the liquid and the stainless steel  
top plate should be about 2 cm. If it is more than 4 cm, a  
sensor will activate the temperature limit switch and cause  
3.4 Filling and  
the bath  
To drain the bath, switch off the mains power and remove  
the outlet tubing from the external equipment and let the  
3. Installation  
liquid pour into a large vessel using hydrostatic pressure. The  
bath contains 3 litres of liquid, plus the volume in tubing and  
connected equipment. The last millilitres can be removed by  
opening the screw on the front of the unit, (see Fig. 1).  
Warning! Do not drain hot water. Use protective gloves and  
clothing when draining the bath liquid.  
Compare the local mains voltage and frequency with the spe-  
cifications written on the label on the rear of the unit before  
connecting the unit to a grounded mains socket. Deviations  
of voltage and frequency must not be more than those speci-  
fied in this manual (95 to 132 V/60 Hz, 95 to 125 V/ 50 Hz,  
198 to 253 V/50 Hz). Connect the unit to a grounded mains  
socket only. The socket must be rated as suitable for the total  
power consumption of the unit (1,200 W).  
3.5 Mains  
4. Operation  
4. Operation  
4.1 Start-up  
Fig. 2. Front panel of MultiTemp III.  
1. Mode selector  
2. Set value down  
3. Set value up  
4. Enter  
6. Mains switch  
7. Control lamp cooling on/off  
8. Display  
9. Heater control sign  
10. Display  
5. Reset  
Before switching on, confirm that the outlet and inlet nozzles  
are either firmly connected to external equipment or to each  
other and that the tubing is secured with hose clamps.  
Switch the power on at the mains switch.  
The version number of the software is briefly  
shown on the display.  
After starting the unit, the pump will circulate the liquid to  
4. Operation  
the external system and the level in the bath will fall. Add  
more liquid until the level is once again 2 cm below the top  
If the safety circuit is triggered, please top up with more liqu-  
id and restart the unit using  
. Repeat this action if  
Note: Check the liquid level after the unit has been in use  
for a while.  
When MultiTemp III is switched on, the compressor starts  
and the heater will be activated if the set temperature is grea-  
ter then the actual temperature. A constantly lit dot in the  
left digit position (9 in Fig. 2) indicates that the heater is  
working to reach the set temperature. A flashing dot indica-  
tes that the bath has reached the set temperature.  
Note: Setting a temperature limit is important for the safe  
operation of the unit. It does not set the working tem-  
4.2 Setting the  
Set the temperature limit using the dial on the  
rear of the unit. The scale shows approximate  
temperatures. Set the dial to a value 5-10 °C  
above the desired working temperature.  
If a more accurate temperature limit is required, the procedu-  
re described in Section 7.4 should be followed.  
The range of temperatures that can be set can be limited if  
required by the application or for other reasons.  
4.3 Tempera-  
ture setting  
Caution: This is a setting limitation, not a primary safety  
measure. The temperature limit protection must be set sepa-  
rately (see Section 4.2).  
1. Press  
to select the H mode  
4. Operation  
2. Use  
to set the maximum allowed set tempe-  
rature. The factory pre-set value is 90.0 °C.  
3. Confirm with  
before the display returns to the actu-  
al temperature value.  
Note: The new value is not saved until  
has been pres-  
1. Press  
2. Use  
to select the S mode.  
4.4 Tempera-  
ture setting  
to set the working temperature.  
before the display automatically  
3. Confirm with  
returns to the actual temperature value.  
Note: The new set value is not saved until  
has been  
The display continuously indicates the actual temperature in  
the bath at the position of the sensor. This temperature does  
not correspond directly to the temperature in the externally  
connected equipment. Under most circumstances this tempe-  
rature difference is very small. To adjust the display value to  
reflect the temperature in the external system, proceed as fol-  
4.5 Tempera-  
1. Measure the temperature in the external system.  
2. Calculate the temperature difference between this value  
and the value displayed.  
= T  
is the correction value “c” that  
has to be entered.  
3. Press  
4. Use  
to select the C mode  
to set the correction value with its + or  
- sign. The range is -25.0 to +2.50 °C. The factory pre-set  
value is 0.0.  
4. Operation  
5. Confirm with  
before the display returns to the actual  
temperature value.  
Note: The new value is not saved until  
has been pres-  
5. Trouble shooting  
5. Trouble shooting  
5.1 Error  
Message on display  
The bath temperature has exceeded  
the safety temperature limit.  
Too low water level.  
Pour in more liquid.  
Pour in more liquid.  
The winding of the pump motor is too hot. Check pump and wait a few minutes until the  
motor temperature has dropped.  
If this fault occurs often, return the unit for  
The temperature sensor is broken.  
The sensor must be exchanged by service  
The bath liquid has cooled down below  
the temperature limit.  
Check the water level in the bath and  
adjust if necessary.Restart the unit by  
pressing reset.  
The winding of the pump has cooled down Check pump and wait a few minutes until the  
below the alarm level.  
motor temperature has dropped.  
If this fault occurs often, return the unit for  
service. Restart the unit by pressing reset.  
The temperature sensor is  
functioning again.  
Restart the unit by pressing reset.  
This error may require service personnel.  
An undefined fault has occurred.  
However, before contacting service personnel,  
top up the bath with some water. This can  
solve the problem.  
Locked display  
Undefined cause.  
Press both arrow keys and the main switch  
simultaneously to get  
in the display.  
Switch off the unit and restart.  
Note: The unit is now changed to the  
factory set parameters.  
6. Maintenance  
6. Maintenance  
Warning! Always disconnect MultiTemp III from the mains  
(Pull out the mains plug) before maintenance and/or service.  
Service should be carried out by authorised personnel only.  
6.1 General  
To maintain efficient operation of the compressor cooling  
unit, have the air grid and liquifier (heat exchanger) checked  
and cleaned by service personnel two to four times a year,  
depending on the amount of dust in the air.  
Always ensure the liquid bath has sufficient circulating liqu-  
The cooling coil in the bath and the bath vessel itself should  
be periodically checked and any deposits removed. Metal  
particles and acidic or alkaline substances should be removed  
quickly as they could harm the stainless steel material and  
cause corrosion.  
After some time, the stainless steel surface and the housing  
may show spots and become tarnished. Clean them with  
stainless steel liquid cleaners normally used in the kitchen.  
Do not use scouring pads or powder!  
MultiTemp III will provide many years of efficient operation.  
When its working life is over, however, please remember that  
the unit contains coolant R 134a, which despite its environ-  
mental friendliness may only be discarded by authorised per-  
6. Maintenance  
The circuit breaker (thermal fuses) for MultiTemp III are loca-  
ted on the rear of the unit.  
6.2 Fuses  
Note: If the circuit breaker has been triggered, there may be  
some delay before it can be released. Please push the  
circuit breaker button only; do not pull.  
Ratings for the circuit breaker:  
for 198 to 253 V version two circuit breakers 2 x 8 Amps  
for 95 to 132 V version  
one circuit breaker 1 x 13 Amps  
Fuses for the electronics located inside the unit must be repla-  
ced by authorised personnel only:  
for 198 to 253 V version  
for 95 to 132 V version  
1 x 40 mAmps/T  
1 x 63 mAmps/T  
7. Detailed Description  
7. Detailed Description  
MultiTemp III regulates temperature by balancing the effects  
of constant cooling and controlled pulses of heating.  
7.1 General  
Constant cooling is provided by a built-in unit that includes a  
compressor, an air cooled liquifier and an evaporator (a coo-  
ling coil as heat exchanger) located in the chamber. This coo-  
ling unit operates at temperatures up to 68.0 °C. Beyond this  
temperature, the compressor automatically switches off.  
Heating is provided by pulses of power at a frequency esta-  
blished by the set working temperature.  
This type of control achieves an optimal balance between  
cooling and heating and maintains the liquid temperature  
constant at any pre-set level.  
See Figure 1 for a description of the front and rear panels  
with connection points for cooling liquid and power.  
7.2 Front and  
rear panels  
7.3 Control  
The five digit numeric display shows either the actual opera-  
ting temperature, error messages or the set temperature. After  
selecting mode or setting temperature, the display automati-  
cally switches back to the actual temperature after approxi-  
mately 10 seconds.  
In the “actual temperature” mode, a constantly lit dot in the  
left digit position indicates that the heater is working to  
reach the set temperature. A flashing dot indicates that the  
liquid in the bath has reached this working temperature.  
The control light is lit only when the compressor is in  
7. Detailed Description  
Mains Switch. Starts the cooling compressor and the pump  
motor that circulates the temperature controlled liquid.  
Activates the heater if the temperature set is greater than the  
actual temperature.  
Change the temperature value. Values are changed in an  
accelerating manner when either key is held down.  
Changes between showing the actual temperature and  
the various program modes.  
Actual temperature mode; shows the actual temperature in  
the bath.  
S mode; sets the working temperature.  
c mode; sets temperature correction value.  
H mode; sets the maximum allowed set temperature.  
8 mode; in 8 mode on, MultiTemp III must be manually re-  
started using reset after power failure (See Section 7.5  
Manual restart in mode 8).  
Enters a set value if pressed before the display returns  
to actual temperature value. The display changes from flas-  
hing to constant to confirm the enter operation.  
After the safety circuit has shut down MultiTemp III  
and the error has been eliminated, press  
the unit.  
to re-start  
Warning! After a power interruption, the circulator restarts  
automatically. Ensure that this cannot cause a dangerous situ-  
Note: If you need to start MultiTemp III manually after  
power failure by pressing reset, proceed directly to  
Section 7.5 Operation mode 8.  
7. Detailed Description  
General cut-off  
7.4 Description  
of safety  
The heater, the compressor and the circulation pump can be  
switched off by a relay built into the unit. This general cut-  
off will be activated if a malfunction is detected by the safety  
When the general cut-off switch is activated, the circulator  
can only be restarted after the cause of the indicated fault has  
been eliminated. The display will show when this has occur-  
red. The circulator can then be re-started by pressing the  
Reset key.  
Protection against over-heating  
A built-in temperature limit switch protects against uncon-  
trolled heating of the bath liquid by activating the general  
cut-off if this limit is exceeded. (This safety device is indepen-  
dent of the control temperature sensor that regulates the set  
working temperature.)  
The temperature cut-off limit is set on the dial at the rear of  
the circulator. This has a range of 20 to 95 °C. You should  
select a cut-off limit that is 5 to 10 °C above the set working  
temperature. If the temperature rises above this limit, the  
general cut off is activated and the following error message is  
down to below the cut-off limit, the following code is  
. After the bath liquid has cooled  
The built-in temperature limit switch also senses low levels of  
coolant. If the liquid level falls and exposes the heating ele-  
ment, the temperature will rise above the temperature limit  
cut-off level and the general cut-off will be activated. Top up  
with coolant to remedy this situation.  
The same two error messages shown above will be displayed.  
Restart the unit by pressing  
(Regular topping up with the liquid coolant is recommended,  
See Section 4.1, Start-up.)  
7. Detailed Description  
Accurate Setting of Temperature Limit  
If a more accurate temperature limit is required, for example  
50 °C, follow the procedure below.  
1. Set the temperature limit switch to its highest value.  
2. Set the working temperature to 50 °C according to  
Section 4.4.  
3. Run the unit and wait until it reaches exactly 50 °C.  
4. Turn the temperature limit dial very slowly anticlock-  
wise (temperature down) until the safety circuit is trigge-  
red and the display indicates a malfunction.  
5. Change the working temperature setting to any value  
lower than 50 °C.  
6. Wait until the bath liquid has cooled down to below  
50 °C.  
7. Press the reset key.  
The circulator can now be used for temperatures up to  
50 °C. As soon as 50 °C is reached, the unit switches off.  
Protecting the pump motor  
When the temperature in the winding of the pump motor  
reaches a certain level, the general cut-off will be activated.  
This protection prevents the motor from overheating. The  
following error message will be displayed.  
. After the winding of the pump has cooled  
down, the following code  
is displayed.  
Check the pump and wait a few minutes until the motor tem-  
perature has dropped further before restarting the unit.  
If this fault happens frequently, contact service personnel.  
Sensor check  
The temperature sensor is permanently monitored. The gene-  
ral cut-off is activated if sensor breakage or current leakage is  
detected. This fault is  
indicated by  
7. Detailed Description  
Note: Although this feature activates the general cut-off, it is  
not a dedicated ”safety-function” of the type listed  
above. When the error message shown above is dis-  
played, the sensor must be exchanged by service per-  
Restart after power failure  
MultiTemp III automatically restarts after a power failure.  
Make sure that this automatic restart will not cause a dange-  
rous situation to arise.  
7.5 Manual  
restart in  
mode 8  
The unit can be restarted manually instead by pressing  
(see Section 7.5).  
MultiTemp III is factory set to normal mode. Normal mode  
means that the unit automatically re-starts after power failu-  
re. As most modern electrophoresis power supplies automati-  
cally restart after short power failures, we strongly recom-  
mend that you leave MultiTemp III set in its normal mode.  
However, if automatic re-start is inconvenient, the unit can  
be restarted manually by setting Operation mode 8 to ON,  
follow the procedure below:  
Setting mode 8 to ON  
1. Press  
simultaneously with the mains switch. Then  
again until ”mode 8” is selected.  
to select ON” instead of ”OFF”.  
(OFF” is factory set)  
Confirm by pressing  
when the display is flas-  
Wait until the display shows the actual temperature.  
Switch off the unit using the mains switch.  
The operation mode is now changed to ON.  
7. Detailed Description  
To start MultiTemp III in 8 mode ON, follow the instructions  
Check that all tubings are firmly connected and secured  
with hose clamps.  
Switch the power on with the mains switch.  
The display flashes  
3. Press  
for start.  
The version number of the software is briefly shown on the  
display. The pump motor and compressor start up, liquid  
starts to circulate, and the heater will be activated if the set  
temperature is greater than the actual temperature.  
Add more liquid if necessary, until the level is 2 cm below the  
top plate and proceed as described under Section 4.2, Setting  
the temperature limit.  
Resetting mode 8 to OFF  
Change to mode 8 OFF with the following procedure.  
simultaneously with the main switch.  
The display flashes  
select mode 8”.  
to select OFF.  
when the display is flas-  
Confirm by pressing  
Wait until the display shows the actual temperature.  
Switch off the unit using the mains switch.  
The operation mode is now changed to OFF.  
To start MultiTemp III in 8 mode OFF, follow the instruc-  
tions described in Section 4.1, Start-up.  
8. Technical specifiations  
8. Technical  
Technical specifications (ambient temperature 20 °C)  
Working temperature range  
-10 to 90 °C  
< ± 0.1 °C  
20 to 95 °C  
800 W  
Temperature control constancy at 20 °C  
Range of temperature limit switch  
Heater capacity,  
800 W  
Cooling capacity, 115 V at 20 °C  
at 5 °C  
240 W  
200 W  
Cooling capacity, 230 V at 20 °C  
at 5 °C  
265 W  
215 W  
Compressor coolant  
R 134 a  
Bath volume  
3 litres  
Bath opening/depth  
130x100/100 mm  
0.32 bar  
Pump capacity, pressure, max.  
Pump capacity, flow rate, max.  
Noise level at 1 m in front of the unit  
Mains requirements  
12 l/min  
<63 dB(A)  
95 to 132 V/ 60 Hz  
95 to 125 V/ 50 Hz  
198 to 253 V/ 50 Hz  
1,200 W  
Power consumption  
Ambient operating humidity  
80% at 31 °C; maximum 50%  
Relative humidity maximum  
at 40 °C  
Ambient operating temperature  
Ambient operating pressure  
Dimensions (H x W x D)  
4 to 40 °C  
Maximum altitude of 2,000 m  
480 x 220 x 420 mm  
28 kg  
9. Ordering information  
9. Ordering information  
Code No.  
MultiTemp III 100-120 V  
MultiTemp III 220-240 V  
Code No.  
Cooling Tubing, 8/12 mm, silicone  
Tubing Connector Set female and male  
Hose clamps  
4 m  
8 m  
Insulation for cooling tubing 14/27 mm  
3-way Valve Set  
Short instructions  
Note: The following short instructions are intended as a guide to  
users who are fully familiar with safety procedures and  
operating instructions described earlier in this manual.  
Check to make sure that all tubings are firmly connected and  
secured with hose clamps.  
Check the liquid level and fill the bath if needed (the level  
should be 2-4 cm below the lid).  
Switch the power on at the mains switch.  
Set the safety temperature limit using the dial on the rear  
of the unit.  
Set the setting range limit of the circulator (if required by the  
application or any safety precautions).  
Set the working temperature. Press  
to select the S mode  
to set the working temperature. Confirm with  
before the display automatically returns to the actual  
working temperature.  
Set the temperature correction value if required.  

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